Video: Bill to “Ban” Organic Farming

Criminalizing Organic Farming? Bills: HR 875 and S 425

Bill is to long to post, so I linked to a .gov pdf of it

Pay special attention to

* Section 3 which is the definitions portion of the bill-read in it’s entirety.
* section 103, 206 and 207- read in it’s entirety.

What it Does:

* Legally binds state agriculture depts to enforcing federal guidelines effectively taking away the states power to do anything other than being food police for the federal dept.
* Effectively criminalizes organic farming but doesn’t actually use the word organic.
* Effects anyone growing food even if they are not selling it but consuming it.
* Effects anyone producing meat of any kind including wild game.
* Legislation is so broad based that every aspect of growing or producing food can be made illegal.  There are no specifics which is bizarre considering how long the legislation is.
* Section 103 is almost entirely about the administrative aspect of the legislation.  It will allow the appointing of officials from the factory farming corporations and lobbyists and classify them as experts and allow them to determine and interpret the legislation.  Who do you think they are going to side with?
* Section 206 defines what will be considered a food production facility and what will be enforced up all food production facilities.  The wording is so broad based that a backyard gardener could be fined and more.
* Section 207 requires that the state’s agriculture dept act as the food police and enforce the federal requirements.  This takes away the states power and is in violation of the 10th amendment.


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50 thoughts on “Video: Bill to “Ban” Organic Farming

  1. This is disturbing. When the Soviet Union fell it was the local gardens, the little plots in the towns and villages that allowed people to survive. They also went hunting and fishing. What else were they to do? The stores were empty. It brought communities together more than they were before. Now here in America, with collpse of the whole system already happening, they want to make it criminal. Why? I’ve been gardening and fishing most of my life. I share what I grow and catch with others. My friends who hunt share. These things bind us together as friends. My father taught me this behavior. He learned in during the last Depression. It brought people together then. Is that why they want it stopped now? To keep us from forging bonds with each other and starve? With food riots going on the last couple of years around the world, do they really want that to happen here? Maybe they do. I’ve signed a petition against this. I hope others will do the same.

  2. They can write what they want, that does not mean you have to comply. When they come for my garden I will give it to them one peace of lead, i mean lettuce at a time. No one, I mean NO ONE, will take anything from me without first it being taken from them by me. Stop being cowards and tell them to fuck off.

  3. Let it be known that if this bill passes it is a declaration of war made by the Government to the citizens of this country. And as such we must and by right should wage war back by every means possible. Including refusing to pay taxes. Cut the beast off right at the very source of its power. Remember if it gets bad enough and there is no food because its illegal, we can always eat those created this mess.

  4. Apathetic Americans are getting what an apathetic population gets…

    They think things will always be good because the past was good. Those days are gone.


  5. I agree with VS, please read his link to a David Icke article. David has been his research longer than I have and we both see the same things. There are others who have been sounding the warnings.

    I had a teacher who explained what China would do 35 years ago. He was right. I had an other who explained the Middle East 20 years ago. I continued to put pieces together over time. Who is behind all this has come out. Even their plans have been exposed. Still, nothing seems to be able to stop them. It makes sense that most of the US military is overseas now. We have been set up.

    Here is quote from David’s article:

    “The one I want to emphasise here is the need to stay calm and react peacefully to what is happening. This is not easy when there is so much stress and fear around with regard to the economic present and ‘future’, but we need to do it all the same or we will walk straight into a massive trap that has been set for us.”

  6. isn’t the punishment for treason death? Clearly beyond a doubt, our politicians have proven themselves over and over to be treasonous; not working for the best interest of the government by the people.

  7. You can thank MONSANTO, ADM & other globalist POISON GIANTS for this bill. MONSANTO doesn’t want you eating healthy crops grown in your backyard. They want you to eat their GENETICALLY MODIFIED (GMO) corn, wheat, canola & soybeans that are undoubtedly creating CANCERS in people. MONSANTO is buying up SEED BANKS all over the world in order to MONOPOLIZE the seed industry & MONSANTO ILLEGALLY seeds the fields of farmers with their GMO seeds; then they SUE FARMERS for–get this–‘patent infringement!’ MONSANTO has sued dozens of farmers successfully because they OWN THE JUDGES! CLARENCE THOMAS was a lawyer for MONSANTO & many of the FDA clowns are FORMER MONSANTO EMPLOYEES! FUCK YOU MONSANTO you sacks of shit.

  8. Let them pass whatever they want. They are only digging their own graves by even bringing up shit like this. We here in my town will show those communist bastards just what they will have to deal with in enforcing this law. This is going to be a very dangerous job for any fools stupid enough to do it. Try coming onto my property to tell me I can’t grow my own food and see what happens to you.

  9. Agreed, most people in the country; the majority of the US, are not going to stand for this. This might be the best thing that happens, for it will show EVERYONE how sinister the Government has become and is.

    It is time that we all thought and mused over the Declaration of Independence. Take a hard look at ourselves and our children.

    The War is coming real soon. It will be messy. It might be long. However, there is little to loose any longer. The New World Order is imploding on itself, let us hope that it wont come to such bloodshed, but let us also prepare ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually for that time.

    For it is near, and they are not going to stop in the psychotic quest for World domination.

    Give me liberty or give me death!

  10. KEEP IT UP FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Over 80 million fed up adult Americans with over 200 million weapons (that they know of) and trillions and trillions of bullets….keep it up. ZOG is gonna fall.

  11. Unfortunately, before they come for your radish gardens, the PTB will have your guns, or at least your ammo. They will also have UN troops at their disposal, and these troops will have no qualms about whether to shoot an Amerikan or not. The PTB will simply hide in their sheeple-tax built bunkers and wait out the cleansing. Those left over can serve the PTB’s whims and fantasies. After all, aren’t they the chosen ones? America is finished, and our stupidity and apathy have welcomed it for generations. You bought Kennedy,Waco,Oklahoma,911,etc.. You knew the concentration …uh excuse me – FEMA disaster camps had to be a conspiracy nuts’ imagination. You can’t do anything to the PTB, because they have insulated themselves from YOU. Your neighbors protect them. Your friends protect them. Your kids protect them. What good are your guns? Hell is just around the corner….maybe your pretend VOTE can “CHANGE” the situation next time. LOL

  12. All kinds of laws have been passed to set us up. Americans do not pay attention to the laws congress passes and that will come back to bite us, hard.

    Even now, Americans do nothing… nothing. We should be screaming bloody murder and I’ve heard almost nothing. Has anyone here protested? Written to congress?

    Note: Here in CT, Chris Dodd will have his first real challenge in the next election. We’ve always loved him but, not now. The chairman of the banking committee may get a real comeupance (come-up-ance).

  13. Hard to grow food anyway with the sky being filled with Chemtrails every time a chance of rain is in the forcast. This is an all out attempt to starve us. Make no mistake. It’s time to wake up America stop drinking the flouridated water and let the fog in your brain clear so you can see through the lies being fed to you by your mainstream media.

  14. Is there a “reality” vaccine for the faustian law makers and followers? ‘Seems we, the people, have but ONE hope (slim, granted).
    Mankind has evolved and thrived into the present day because foods and water have kept mankind alive to do so. Without “people,” this handful of elites wouldn’t even exist. No people, no support…. no need for lawmaking greed mongers. But? They don’t get it. We don’t need them – especially now. Remember the word “DEPORTATON?” Time once again to engage in a BOSTON TEA PARTY and DEPORT these self made GODS and GODDESSES to a country that will appreciate and deify their madnesses. TY

  15. This is the most insane bill ever undertaken by any government around the world. WE MUST RESIST!!! Buy a lot of guns and ammo, people must get ready for the bloodshed of immense proportions against our own government.
    C’mon, think about it, i am a criminal if i make my own small garden and feed my family with home grown lettuce, carrots, tomato etc and as such they can fine me half million bucks or put me in prison just because i refuse to buy MONSANTO POISONOUS foods!!! People, buy guns and make sure you buy lots of them, we will certainly need to put on a fight for our most fundamental human rights!!!

  16. Wow, things just seem to be getting worse by the second. Big business dictating gardening practices in our own yard ??? What next ?

    Sounds like the liberal left, Obama and Media communists sold-us-out. Political terrorism. Obama and his cronies are gutting this country from the inside and making terrorists dreams come true, destroying the country and anyone in it.

    Well, off to buy guns and ammo. I’d say four to five thou should suffice.

  17. Hitler actually encouraged people to have personal gardens. Makes me wonder about the patriotic reaction here in the US. Hitler was a patriotic reactionary against the Soviet-ZOG beast. Ya’ll know that nearly 500 out of 500 of the comissars in the USSR were ethnically Jewish, don’t you? Hasn’t Obama lined his admin. with Jews as well? It will get as bloody and ugly as it did in the USSR–nearly 45 million dead, at least 7 million via orchestarted famine in the Ukraine…

  18. This is all part of the grand scheme towards socialism.. Sure we will band together and grow our own gardens, and it will be fun.. I’m sure Obama thinks so – because there will be no more organic small farmers, and all of the food in the stores will be “poisonous”, and unsuitable for consumption.

    I could see this coming a long ways away. First, the government wanted more stringent labeling of what is deemed “organic”. This was the bait and switch. You see- while you were applauding the government for greater organic measures, big Agro like Cargil and the others were developing their plans of spreading their GM seeds through every inch and aspect of the agricultural business – but NO, you were to happy shopping at Wholefoods, paying 3 times the amount for your organic fruits and vegetables, that you barely noticed what crimes were being conducted on the whole agricultural plane. Reminds me of the famous saying- “Give the people cake”.. Well big-agro said, “give the people organic”, and you happily obliged.

    Now is the final preparation, to do away with the organic farmers, because they have all of their ducks lined up. Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but it’s all part of the grand scheme for Socialism..All hail Obama!!

  19. In reply to Tony B. – I say when they try to pass the national registration gun laws, that we offer to give up our guns, but first we must march to the whitehouse, the millions of us gun owners- personally with guns in hand. If they ask why are you marching to washington with rifles, we say well- we just wanted to make sure we hand deliver these guns that you so deperately want.. then force them to try to strip them from our hands.

  20. The Congress has declared war on the people..
    you have been declared an enemy of the state..
    the only way to tackle these statutes is to dissociate form the person.
    statutes only appy to persons , legal fictions created by the government or STATE.. and john harris in uk …youtube them
    there are two methods : either deregister yourself from the personhood.
    or place a lien of say 30 billion on the person the state cannot make a claim on the person.
    One is riskier than the other.
    you have the right to the security of the person. the STATE has to protect that right

  21. Hi, A group of reporters from my country, spain, had de courage to be in Gaza during the first days of Israeli invasion. Please if you can traduce it to english this video would extend as a flame along the world.

    Thanks you. Keep sharing the truth. Best Wishes.

  22. We will have to hide our tomato and potato plants among all the thousands of dollars of landscaping in our front yards.

  23. If you will read the definitions especially the one that defines “State” you will notice that it does not mention “one of the several states”. This law will not be applicable in one of the several states party to the constitution. It will probably be misapplied just like so many other laws where the Congress takes jurisdiction over matters in which they have none. In this bill Congress is acting in its plenary capacity which only extends over Washington DC, territories and insular possessions. When Congress intends to enact legislation affecting the several states, Congress is careful to identify the application of the legislation as including the “several states”.

  24. as one of the posters has said, they can write or say what ever they wish. they will not come take anything from me, nothing, without a fight. i hope other americans see whats going on, or wake up and see whats going on. its time for rebellion and revolution the power house of this country has ran it into the ground while making citizens look like assholes world wide, we are not the world police, we are not in a police state (yet) we the people need to stand up for what is ours! and take it back by force if necessary! how much longer cvan we the people take this? seriously? WE CAN NOT WAIT UNTILL IT IS TOO LATE!!!

  25. At least you can go out and buy guns in the US. Here in Canada they have disarmed the good people rendering them defensless unless they take drastic measures. This world is messed up and this is only the beginning. I dont think I want to have children anymore.

  26. i should of read all the posts here before i posted the first time…. it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside that almost everyone here sees what is going on and are ready for the epic battle that will soon be upon us… buy guns and ammo! grow your damn garden! stock food! fuck these dictators that are “voted” in.. let them try to come take our freedoms away….

  27. Despite all the treason going on by our so called “representatives,” any bill Obama signs into law will be suspect, since he has not proven he is a natural born citizen.

  28. This is it. The “Owners” of the World are ridding the Earth of it’s “infestation” and are repossesing their property. If you eat their poison, it makes it easy for them. The alternative is you fight, but masssive civil wars will ensue. So which do you want to do, die poisoned or die fighting? Only one has a chance of success, however small.

  29. Time to pickup where we left off in the 90’s……….Lock and load! The last time we did it they ran back under their rock where they came from. Get trained people!

  30. Haha, that was funny Jacko, final march to the white house with our rifles…
    Anyways, people be aware of of this new plague called obamisitis, grow your gardens secretly, stack your weapons and ammo and wait, we will all be united as one when the time comes, and it seems like that time is getting closer as we speak.

  31. Is this a joke? It’s insane that the government would consider such plans, with the economy in shambles. But I guess it should hardly be surprising, considering that Congress is planning on giving itself new pay raises! Anybody think this is deserved? Check out our post on the matter at

    In addition, check out the amazing arrogant behavior of Republican Congressman David Vitter of Louisiana, who harassed an airport worker who wouldn’t let him pass through the security gate!!!! The audacity of arrogance!!

  32. Please just think of the Future of her children We don’t need to get a other form of CANCER
    PLEASE DON’T LET THIIS HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(:(:(

  33. Well you dumb asses voted for him and his and his followers, I suggest you better start emailing your congressmen and be heard. If you don’t bend over and kiss you ass goodbye, someone out there has enough suck to get this into the media, this is the first I have heard of it. but it’s there.

  34. Time to set the basement up to grow food!!! So much for my gardening. Looks like I have a ton of work to do this summer. Alot of wood and special lights to get, and make sure they can’t be detected. Do some research people. Start growing the food in secret. Buy a dehydrator. I am also going to talk my husband into buying guns. They aint taking my shit!!! I would really like to see them try. This shit doesn’t amaze me. Good thing I have already started putting spices and crap back. I have a head start——

  35. I contacted a PI service the other week and was refused address info on one of the criminals involved in trashing the USA. If someone out there would post address/schedules of just a few rats, I think we would see some progress rather than everyone “sitting back”. Come on now, some one out there can post intel.. People, including enlisted and sworn are really ready to move. It’s our duty as citizens to route out traitors.

  36. How are we as THE people to take this??? First they will put bans on our food, then what? They are trying to poison us, our children!!! WE as AMERICANS MUST MAKE A STAND!!!! This is supposed to be OUR COUNTRY, not major corporations that will cut corners and do anything for an extra buck or two!!!! We see it every day, our rivers and lands and even our very air being poisoned every day, but we should not, hell, we can not, let them ban our farming and what types of food we can ingest!!! How can we let our sold out “Government” make this decision for us? It is our COUNTRY!! Let us have our voice be heard!!!!!

  37. The thing is… they aren’t going to come to your back yard and tell you you can’t have a garden, at least not right away. They are sneaky about it. A little bit here and a little bit there. You won’t even know it’s happening because they are conditioning you through mass media to ACCEPT things as they are. And people are doing just that.. ACCEPTING THIS CRAP. First the Patriot Act to spy on us, now this. Why? To give us a false sense of security and help us grow more dependent on their consumables? Maybe, but I think it goes deeper than that. They have to make the most out of the time they have before China comes in here and takes over. Most of our debt is to them. China is America’s top shareholder, in other words… owner. It’s not the government we need to worry about. It’s Corporate America. And well… maybe China.

  38. sad this is happening in America !! bad enough its this way for DECADES in other countries, and those that are NOT labelled communist/socialist but in reality are — i wont repeat comments that i agree on here but can i ask what is the YOUTH of AMERICAs take on all this? when I speak to the children of family members (those in there 20s) over in the states about such issues they go on about “oh youre such a conspiracy nut!” … 1. okay where did you even get to know that term? 2. when i ask “do you KNOW what that means?” they say “um no … um i think it just means .. you dont know what youre talking about” (riiiiiight … theres a college degree at work for ya! ((no offense to those w/ one and maintain common sense)) ) 3. i see a LOT of apathy in the worlds youth! just what “TPB” (or whatever the new label is) wants … each generation widdle down more than the previous … gaaaah and ppl of the world, turn OFF your TVs! and take a break from this internet as well .. hah im on perm break come interent 2 , thats for sure … Good luck farmers! Stand your ground, literally.

  39. I have to say, I believe the biggest threat to us all is, well, us all, all the welfare/illegals/ non sufficient people, wait thats pretty much all of us… think about it, if your watching your family starve to death, whats keeping you from kicking your neighbors door in?
    I recently watched, watchmen – sick movie, more gory then saw’s but if you can handle it, it was amazing to me how much propaganda in your face predictive programing was in there. my favorite quote from the movie….

    one thing i have learned is when people are hungry theres nothing they wont do…

  40. Our Messiah , Yehoshua ( Joshua ) said , ” This is NOT My kingdom , if it were you couldn’t take Me cause legions of angels would not allow it !!!!!!! ” So , whose kingdom is it ? It’s ours and most of mankind has bowed to the devil , and given it to him . So, what do you expect to find in the devils only kingdom ? You all aren’t going to change or stop the destruction of the USA and its people . Before you all have that last meal or cigarette , think of your soul and what comes after this lifetime . Think of your children and grandchildren , and teach them how to love again and fear our heavenly Father . Even as a fig tree turns green we know that summer is approaching , so shall we KNOW that the end is near ! Do as our forefathers did before us . Sing hymns while they burn us at the stake ( 50 million died in the inquisitions of the dark ages . Meet the lions and gladiators with your head held high and the love,hope,and Truth that our Messiah , Yehoshua gave us . Remember , the only GOOD comes from heaven . Has Yehoshua burned the dross out of you yet ? Are you one of the GOOD righteous people who will fight the GOOD fight ? The fight for the hearts and souls of our mothers children !

  41. here in australia we allready have gun controll i would be lucky to be able to boy an airrifle. the gov. is trying to remove hand guns from cattle farmers. guess us aussies are lucky, we are lucky though, this country is ten years behind you. in ten years time we will be like you. save your country, you save ours. best of luck..

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