Video: Mercury and Fluoride – The Dumbing Down Of A Population

Why is America so brainwashed by the corporate media? Why do we care more about American Idol and sports games than being poisoned with mercury in our vaccinations and sodium fluoride in our water supply? America needs to wake up and get the facts about our chemical manipulation before it’s too late.

7 thoughts on “Video: Mercury and Fluoride – The Dumbing Down Of A Population

  1. As long as Americans leave control of their Nation, Nutritien & Health in hands of the same group of THUGS, THIEVES & LIARS, they have no right to complain about their Present or their Future. But what will they tell their children when here’s a knock at the door?

  2. How could anyone fall for the fluoride in water is good for teeth spiel? Hello? anyone home? are you a gerbil? as if drinking fluoridated water will go straight to the teeth and nowhere else, uh like the brain maybe?? turns out it harms the pineal gland, accumulates on bones, makes sense doesn’t it, if you’re drinking it? thanks for reading my rant. it’s just sooo dumb i cant believe it.

  3. They want to poison mass millions by do this it’s not just a concern about the water supply it’s the food we eat, the question is why do I feel ill after eating something? aren’t you supposed to feel nurished after have a bowl of soup? things that are said to improve your health that do nothing for you.

    is it a scare tactic to get obese people not to eat anything if they find that their is something wrong with their food, Americans are more over weight than us british or anywhere else around the world as Americans are subjected to fastfood and takeaways on every corner of their county, there is no wonder why they are doing this.

    there is nothing pure nomore never was when they evil gets their way with the food supply, who controls the food controls the World..

  4. To Doctor John @ #5: your last sentence contained the phrase: who controls the food controls the world. That statement was made years ago publicly by Donna Shalala of the Clinton Administration. Need I say more.

  5. Furthermore, on fluoride in the water supply, toothpaste, fluoride treatm ents, etc., readers should know this fact. Fluoride is the most deadly substance on the periodic table and does absolutely nothing to prevent dental caries. Industry has found that fluoride forms on the inside of factory smoke stacks as they billow out smoke in manufacturing. They had to scrape them down and get rid of it. They decided to tell the public that fluoride is good for their teeth, and thus, have made immeasurable fortunes feeding this kreosote to humans as a cavity preventative. They have changed the mindset of an entire society based on people’s ignorance and willingness to believe propaganda. Sheeps led to slaughter. Face it people: basically everything you think is true in this world is really false. The only Truth is Jesus Christ.

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