Do Not Take A Swine Flu Vaccine!

Letter to Jeff Rense of from Patricia Doyle, PhD

Hello Jeff –

I am making a plea to everyone who reads this, please, please DO NOT TAKE ANY VACCINE THAT IS PURPORTED TO ‘PREVENT’ THIS FLU.

Remember 1976 and the so called Swine Flu outbreak that was purported to be a coming pandemic? It only infected recruits at Ft. Dix. Why? Because I believe that the so called Swine Flu virus infected the recruits due to the vaccines they were given. Whether the government developed the Swine Flu 1976 virus and infected the recruits as a means to test the public to see if people would comply with a call to take vaccination against Swine Flu, or the recruits became infected via contaminated vaccine they were given as part of the recruit regimen, that outbreak was as phony as they come. I was one of the people duped into taking a Swine Flu shot and it made me so sick. I was sick in bed for three months after taking the vaccine.

Do not take seasonal flu vaccine if you are told that it could help prevent this brand new Swine Flu variant. It won’t do a thing to prevent this flu. What it will do is serve up new genetic material to the Swine Flu virus that I have dubbed Spanish Flu 2, the Sequel. The Spanish Flu variant will use the gene sequences in the vaccine in humans to develop more of the changes that make the virus more readily infect humans. We do not want to give this virus more human genetic material so that it will infect humans more readily person to person. This is what vaccinated individuals do for pandemic strains.

There is also a safety issue in any experimental vaccine, much like the one in 1976. Some people even feel that such a vaccine for pandemic strain might require more than one vaccination which could actually be a binary set up. The first shot might just add some genetic code that stays dormant in the body until one gets the second vaccine shot which then serves to only cause infection. It could trigger Guillain-barre syndrome, Typhus or some other condition.

An Influenza vaccine does not protect or prevent a person from contracting flu. It is purported to, maybe, prevent some complications of flu and maybe shorten duration. I am not even sure it does that. Personally, I feel the vaccine weakens our immune system and also sickens us due to contaminants in the vaccine. I feel that people can better protect themselves by washing hands often and thoroughly. People should also use protective gloves when out and about during epidemics. Don’t be afraid of “looking odd.” I would not be ashamed to use a mask and gloves. I see that the Mexicans are using them.

A big problem during a pandemic is that these simple supplies will become extremely scarce awfully quickly. Stock up now. Medical supplies. personal hygene supplies and don’t forget fido, or any other pet. Once a pandemic hits, it will be too late to stock up. Water, too.
We may lose clean water and electric power, so be prepared.


Pat Doyle

Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics Univ of West Indies Please visit my “Emerging Diseases” message board at: Also my new website: Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa Go with God and in Good Health


98 thoughts on “Do Not Take A Swine Flu Vaccine!


  2. Oh my gosh

    Thank you for sharing. Only 2 fridays ago my country was a part of an exercise for an outbreak of influenza. Lots of caribbean countries were a part of teh exercise and I wondered why at the time we were having the exercise. Interestingly in the exercise the flu broke out in Venezuela and in other south and central american countries and now look….

    Its as if they knew it was going to happen. Now we are in the southern caribbean but we have students studying in mexico who I’m sure will be coming home for vacation in summer. Lord help us!

  3. I am grateful for this information.Linda Mertins, thank you for sharing your experience.Let us do all we can to protect ourselves by God’s grace… follow the seemingly little tips like handwashing, stocking up on vitamins, use alot of onion and garlic soups etc.

    The heart of men is really desperately wicked and the lengths some will go to achieve theie wicked globalistic plans is amazing!

    Thank God we have a God(Sovereign Ruler of the globe) who is interested in us, even in our health:”beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” 3 John 2

  4. I think I got it, the first symtom I noticed is hicups, and a foaming in the throat, followed by diareah, and high fever, quickly becomming very weak and within 6 hours very dizzy and weak going to the bathroom ever 30 minutes or less…

    I started taking (an antacid TUMS) ( followed by a bill talL glass of milk which within 15 minutes curddled in my stomach causing me to throw up, I noticed a dark brown something surrounded by a clear mucus. Followed this up with imodium and pepto bismol).

    within 18 hours the high fever is gone, still a bit light headed taking nyquil every 4 hours and following up with pepto bismol every 8 hours… the flu is still trying to hold on.

    thinking some hard alcohol in a major dose would probaly kill it at this point but I can’t because i also have “gout” active and I would be in major pain.

    any comments?

  5. I’m no doctor but it seems to me everything you’re taking is more harmful to you than not.

    Try natural stuff but in high does- garlic, cayenne pepper, vitamin c with rosehips in mega does (like 20, 1000 mg tablets), plenty water and fruit juices.

    With these and a prayer in your heart you will have some results. Also, avoid flesh foods and dairy products from your diet.

  6. thank you for the information.this is truly wickedness by those who wished to have their wicked plans out. we know that the wicked organisations such as the WTO and FDA are highly responsible for these man made diseases. Unfortunately they are whom the people trust to give solution. What it shows is that our confidence lies in God and not man.So keep praying in your heart since only god can help. I will love to re affirmed the advise anesia give to you chris. These will prove more helpful than anything else.

  7. Chris…that is 20 of the 1000 milligram tablets per day. That is somewhat of a mega dose. With your symptoms already you may need to take much more. Do you have the courage?

    The most you’ll experience as it begins to take effect is bowel movement but you cannot overdose with vitamin C. I really wish you all the best

  8. “I believe that…” “…might…” “Personally, I feel…”

    It’s people like the writer here (and conspiracy theorists) that truly start widespread panics.
    Now, everyone, run for your lives! Flee!

  9. “What it .. will do is serve up new genetic material to the Swine Flu virus”

    “The first shot might just add some genetic code that stays dormant in the body until one gets the second vaccine shot which then serves to only cause infection. It could trigger Guillain-barre syndrome, Typhus or some other condition.”

    I dont suppose you’d care to explain how either of these work? Because that makes… no sense.

  10. actually I have eaten very little over the past few days, i was just able to get down 2 slices of pizza. and a whole bottle of water and a can of soda for the instant sugar… as far as the fruits go… I have {GOUT } I can not have those things or I will be in soooo much pain I won’t be able to seperate the symtoms of the flu and the pain.

    There is no cure for this right now people I am simply sharing my account, my mother has the same thing she caught it from me a few hours after I went full blown. She is following the basic same patterns.

    Please no conspiracy remarks, It is a nasty flu.. going to the VA in the morning to see if I can get a antibiotic stronger than what I’m using. So far in 24 hours I’ve polished off 8 pills of imodium, 1 bottle of nyquill, and 4 shots of pepto bismol, and 10 tums tablets..

    i am still a bit groggy, but the soreness in all joints is gone, the fever is gone, the bowl movement seems to be normal so far. Hoping the VA is not going to determine it’s the swine flu, but seeing how i am immune to just about every other flu, this is probably not going to be the case..I haven’t have a cold or flu in 15 years even in close proximity of a flu.

    I am writing in here just for record. No conspiracy theory intented. just my account.

  11. It’s the day of our Lord Jesus, it’s near to the World End!

    The solution is BREAKING this SYSTEM of TAXES.

  12. To Chris. If you have gout you should not be using Nyquil. It’s equal to drinking a bottle of bourbon. Kind of ironic the dose cups look like jiggers. The calcium in the tums probably eased your bone aches. Just calcium supplements would do the same thing with out all the side effects. The soda will agravate them because soda leeches the body of calcium and dehydrates you. Nothing is better than plain old water or water with electrolytes like Pediacare. To maintain normal bowels acidiphilis in pill form or in a good quality plain yogurt will do. Eat a banana to feed the local flora in your bowels and it will also help with body aches. Stay away from junk food and get some cans of low sodium chicken soup. Pan steamed scrambled or glased eggs and toast are also good and easy on the gut. If you have tummy troubles take meds in moderation don’t over do. tart cherry juice is supposed to be good for gout as well as cheese. Vitamin c is also good for gout. Came upon an interesting website for gout

  13. I never take flu vaccines. They offer them at work every year, and every year the ones who get them, get sick. This swine flu-as long as we’re talking conspiracies, could be testing for a eugenics program. Glenn Beck had a great piece on how states are storing the blood (dna) of infants. Wouldn’t be the first time governments experimented on populations.

    Sounds crazy? What’s so crazy about a few barons that control most of the world’s wealth rearranging the world as they see fit? Is that crazier than “Teleprompter” Obama as president, Joe “have another drink” Biden as his sidekick, Nancy “Botox” Pelosi as speaker of the house? Think about it.

  14. Hello, i was just reading the news and i found out about this because they think it is coming from the pork meat in mexico what can we do to prevent our children from getting this flu? this is very scary and i had a feeling something like this would happen!!

  15. Often the cure for something is coupled in nature with the cure. Please read the following using your own wisdom and your doctors advice. I am not a doctor and offer this general advice from a lot of reading.
    Swine Flue still follows the laws of nature, whether created by humans or not. No use giving something negative energy of fear. So remain calm. So therefore, treat it like a normal invading virus. The fever is the bodies way of burning it up. So work with the fever, but MOST importantly drink plain water and lots of it. And do deep breathing of good air, not the night air, but healthy day air. But don’t go near anyone. Remember oxygen also kills a lot of bugs and oxygen keeps the furnance burning. Make sure you go to the toilet regularly. A good thing to do, is drink warm water on rising from bed. Eat prunes soaked in warm water, or…Then sit on a stable chair and put your arms out to either side. Breathing into the left abdominal area, simultaneously(while sitting on the chair) touch your right foot with your left hand. Repeat, other side. Do this 10 times on other both sides. Sit on the toilet and please wait, don’t strain. Remember, the body knows best how to fix itself. By loosing the sense of appetite, it is reserving its energy to fight the invading virus. While the temperature is above its normal temperature it is a good thing not to eat.If you must eat for strength, only eat simple foods, i.e. sprouts, or just plain glocose powder in water or fruit juices such as orange(but if you have liver problems use carrot instead), grapefruit, and grape juices. It is important that you assist the body while in fever to sweat, but… Now most importantly of all, do not do strenuous exercise or heart burdening work. You can give a kidney tea (like goldenrod or Nephrosolid). Using a compress from onions (which does smell) or warm potatoes mixed with sea salt and put on chest and throat. Keep warm and out of the night air. When the body returns to normal temperature, first eat raw fruit and then raw foods, stay vegetarian until good health returns. This is because meat takes a lot energy to break down. It is better not to eat advocados so soon after, for they also require a lot of energy to break down due to their oil content. This virus trys to weaken the heart. Something people can do prior to getting this flue, is to eat Walnutt’s or anything that is a heart food. Mostly it is picked up by contact. So wash your hands frequently, and do not touch what surfaces everyone else uses too, if possible, where gloves. The entry points are your nose, mouth and ears. It is good to put a bit of garlic oil in your ears on a bit of cotton wool. The nose inhale salt mist from steaming and gargle mouth with salt water. Then gargle with lemon juice in the throat area, making a higher pitch hum as you gargle, so the back of your throat is coated with lemon acidic juice. Frequent gargling with warm salt water alternated with lemon juice, with suppress the viruses ability to get hold. These precautions, don’t cost much are assisting the bodies ability to fight the virus. Also, have a positive mind. All negative things have a positive consequence. Thank the virus and say to it, it has rallied your armoury and you no longer require it in your system, its purpose has been met, now it is time for it to move on. Try to visualise your body sending out its white blood cells and torpedoing the enemy virus. Visualise yourself having a good fever, swetting and that the the fever is sweating out the virus. See yourself, wiping the virus and the sweat away, see yourself drinking lots of fluids and then see yourself getting better, strong enough to leave your bed and then finally strong enought to eat your food. And then visualise yourself saying I am total good health and recovered. For those who believe in God, God Bless you and those that believe in a higher being may you have the peace of Good health.

  16. My goodness, “I got this” and “this happened to me” and “I personally think” and “they” are doing this and that…

    Opinions like this have so little value. I’ve read the most current CDC reports and recommendations on this issue, they reflect intelligent, scientifically based caution. Maybe a bit of Katrina syndrome (a decisive authority not wanting to appear to have been unprepared in an emergency), but rather have it that way when the problem lands on my front door.

    Uninformed, biased and irrelevant.

  17. Oh, forgot to add, that the eyes are also a way in for a virus, so wearing glasses can be an advantage in this case. Dry eyes will be a disadvantage. The iris protects itself when it is kept moist. So flush your eyes out with some saline, (salty water) and that should also assist in preventing its pick up. Do these things prior to greeting people at home. That way it is less likely for a problem to occur. Hopefully, you will be able to get to a doctor and get some medical treatment as soon as possible,if you think it any possibility of being the swine flue. But stay calm, in any event. It does no good to your immune system to get it tired out by worrying. And best of all, get a good nights sleep. Remember, your body has already in its lifetime fought off lots of exposures to many virus, this is just one more. It has been successful previously and will most likely be able to again, just let it do its thing by understanding how it fights it.

  18. Ok…wash your hand alot and use common sense. Panic mongers are just that…freaks who get their jollies out of scaring people.

    Don’t be a bunch of chicken littles!

    Facing any problem calmly always improves the outcome.

  19. I am not sure if giving such advise on your blog is wise. Maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong, but you provide very little backup information to support your claims.

  20. I partially praise this article. Counter-information is important, as fear and hype are often used to conditionate individuals and masses. This post’s claim has the merit of making you stop and think about what you should do, rather than taking anything you’re prompted to take.

    Still, your source needs to give stronger arguments to her thesis. I understand that the need to address non-technically trained people forces the use of a simpler language and may lead to inaccuracies. This post, though, does in fact show some elements that are typical of conspiracy theories. Please answer the perplexity that has been discussed in previous comments.

  21. Considering that there’s no such thing as a Swine Flu vaccine because the mutation is very recent and only has been around for a few months, and that all vaccines used in the vast majority of countries use an inactive virus variant which couldn’t incorporate any new genetic material even if it tried, I’m going to call a major case of B.S. on this.

    Of course Doyle has a PhD in Business Administration rather than biology which is very, very obvious here.

  22. is this shit for real? so a person who i’ve never heard of before with absolutely NOTHING in the way of credentials is telling me to not take a vaccine without providing any proof whatsoever of their ridiculous claims. this is absolutely ridiculous and i’m disgusted that people would be going around trying to “debunk” something based upon hearsay. to top it off, this person has the balls to claim to have a doctorate in anything. but i don’t know what i’m sickened more by – the amount of nonsense in this post or the fact that people would take it seriously without question.

  23. i am a 60 year old female who has severe asthma cancer diabetes and has had heart failure and a recent amputation of part of my left foot so getting the swine flu shot is no worse than all the deseases that i suffer from if it kills me… oh well. we are due for another terrible event get ready kids the end is near.

  24. 147 people die in a 3rd world country and the rest of the world starts to panic. Many flu virus are a type of Swine flu; this is just a new mutation. You will notice that so far all “reported” cases outside of the 3rd world have been atypical “flu”. 250,000 people a year around the world die of some sort of flu virus, most of those are in the 3rd world, eldery or infants. The chance that this is going to cause mass death is rather unrealistic; complete fear mongering that is going to affect economic conditions more then kill people.

  25. The outbreaks are the means to get you to take the vaccines. The real genocide IS the poisoned vaccines. Clever trick. The international bankers play their last hand.
    another comment mentioned “fear mongering” – the fear gets you to poison yourself with the vaccine – please don’t fall for it.

  26. More than 30,000 people die every year of the flu – unnoticed. There may be reason for concern about an epidemic. But so far, we have not been able to sort out hype and fear-mongering from what is real.

    Your best bet against untoward health events is knowing what to do. If you are interested in how to prevent (hopefully!) swine flu with natural means, read this:

    Alexa Fleckenstein M.D., physician, author.

  27. I had strep in Jan. and flu in March. I never developed respiratory infection from either due to daily intake of 4 to 8 grams of ascorbate (vitamin C). Take your TUMs, NIQUIL, Pepto, for the symptoms but go to your local Vitamin Shoppe or healthfood store and purchase a pound ($17 to $20)of powdered ascorbate (1/4 tsp. = 1,000 of vitamin C) and dissolve it in water (one level 1/2 tsp. into 8oz of fluid is best), juice or any beverage you enjoy and drink it! Repeat every two hours if you don’t get side effects. If your bowels become too loose, lower the dose. I recommend this to everyone who can tolerate ascorbate to keep well. Keep well.

  28. So you can fight through thus flu? I am pregnant and Im so scared at this time. I have a small 3yr old and 6yr old at home.

  29. We all see were this is going, we know what’s right around the corner.

    One way to escape, one way to be saved, Jesus Christ!

    I’m not getting into detail here, but take it from the mouth of an ex-atheist believing in absolutely nothing, that the grave was my final resting place. To then getting heavily involved into the occult, metaphysics, satanism, and this whole new age spiritualist movement…

    The whole time I viewed the bible and Jesus Christ as mere fairy tales, untill God started revealing Himself to me. Eternal salvation comes as simple as beliving/having faith in Jesus Christ, what do you have to loose?

    I used to be an atheist for the same reason all other atheists are atheists, one word… IGNORANCE! Because I was ignorant on the fact of who God is and what He did upon the cross doesn’t mean that He didn’t exist, it just meant I was ignorant on His existence… It’s very unfortunate that many are stuck in this same darkened ignorance, I’ll be praying for you all, time is short!

    Put your faith in Jesus Christ & seek God’s will!

  30. I was a young man in the Navy in 1977 and was given a swine flu shot while on board an aircraft carrier. I have never been so sick or out of my head with fever as I was then. Now, over 30 years years later I am in the beginning stages of Multiple Myeloma, a rare and deadly blood cancer. It makes me wonder if i was put at risk over this stupid flu shot. Do not take a swine flu shot, I would rather have the flu than the shot.

  31. As a young man of 16, back in 1976, my mother got the swine flu vaccine from her physician. It was the one tha was farmed in chicken eggs if i remember right. It almost killed her. Maybe it did. She died at the age of 62.

    Is’nt science great. You now can get a vaccine, that can kill you in years to come.

    Folks, this is nothing more than another man made virus strain, that has been released for testing.

    We are nothing more than Lab Rats.

  32. I remember during the Carter administration where as Pres. Carter put out that everyone should take the Swine Flu vacine because there was an outbreak. My parents were going one morning to take thiers when on the news broadcast it came out people were dying after taking it. Thank God they heard that and did not go or they could have been one of the casualties. I don’t trust anything that is present administration is saying they give off a presence of evil witch brewing.

  33. 1976 swine flu PSAs attempt to scare citizens into getting shots
    11:46 AM, April 28, 2009

    Flu-fear An enterprising conspiracy theorist on Monday posted a pair of U.S. government PSAs from 1976, urging citizens to quickly get a swine flu vaccine or risk becoming “very sick”– although that pandemic never materialized.

    The two sensational videos attempt to show that anyone and everyone can get the bug and pass it to children, teachers, postal workers, veterinarians and acquaintances. (”Betty’s mother gave it to her best friend Dottie, but Dottie had a heart condition and she died.”)

    The spots were released by the U.S. Public Health Service, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services partially dedicated to minimizing the spread of infectious diseases.

    The agency, evidently, had a taste for scaremongering. As it turned out, its recommendation was unfounded. Not only did the 1976 swine flu scare result in only 200 cases and a single fatality, but the $135-million vaccination effort did more harm than good: The Centers for Disease Control halted the effort after several days after worrying that the vaccine was causing a rare neurological condition that resulted in the deaths of 25 people.

    With that background in mind, these PSAs become shrouded in a grim irony.

  34. To those who think the people who are urging others not to take the “Norm1 (H1N1) flu”, formerly called ‘Swine Flu’ shot are just nut-jobs, conspiracy-theorists, and fear-mongering better wake up. Especially the fellow who said “It’s people like the writer here (and conspiracy theorists) that truly start widespread panics.” And ANDY who says “I’ve read the most current CDC reports and recommendations on this issue, they reflect intelligent, scientifically based caution.” It appears you are the niave ones. If you naysayers believe what you’ve read from the CDC and BELIEVES it, well folks, I’d say you’re just more lemmings who believes everything the government tells you. The CDC IS part of the so-called gov’ment and you have been lied to by it for so long you can’t distinguish reality from fiction, especially if you have your head stuck in that idiot box called the TeeVee. And this applies to all who posted negative feedback about the seriousness of this whole Swine Flu issue.

    It is the ‘gov’ment’, including the CDC who are lying to everyone about everything. But I’m not even going to go into how I know this because you’d think I was nuts and you couldn’t even wrap your brain around who’s really running this country, including the gov’t. and the CDC.

    Patricia Doyle knows of what she speaks. Did you visit the links to her websites? I doubt it or you wouldn’t make such a ridiculous claim. I’d suggest everyone check out this link that contains a video that came out in 1979 (which is probably before you were even born), about how “safe” the vaccine really is.

    Video: Swine Flu 1976 & Propaganda – The Devastation, The Victims Who Took The Shots Back In 1976 – “WARNING” “WARNING” – 16 Min”. It’s about “the soon-to-be-famous 1979 CBS 60 Minutes episode concerning the 1976 swine flu pandemic in USA and the massive vaccination that followed. Note that this episode was banned after its first showing on television. It is now being released publicly on the internet for the first time, after 20 years!!!”

    Let me know if you think this is crap after viewing and reading the accompanying article. It is your government at work propagandizing you into taking the vaccine. And what are you going to do when they make it MANDATORY and force you to take it, because that’s exactly what they’re intending to do. Haven’t you lost enough of your liberties yet to start wondering what in the HE11 is going on??

  35. I know somebody who got the guilaian barr syndrome after a flu shot, very bad.

    Misty, pregnant lady, please don’t get the flu shot

  36. First and foremost and quickly, get a copy of Dr. Hulda Clarke’s book called” The Cure for All Disease”. You can access it online without having to pay for it. (I believe) This lady is a saint! DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME TRYING TO DISPROVE HER. IT WILL BE JUST THAT , A WASTE OF TIME!!! she has outlined a 21 day program for cleansing and ridding the body of foreign invaders and for immune strengthening. Do not waste your time going over her theories with you medical practitioner as they will discourage your possibility for wellness and preventative wellness techniques. If we are a healed people then healthcare would not be needed for most of us. Believe you me corporate BIG PHARMA has no desire to see any of us well ,whole , and healthy.Her remedies are all 100% all natural and easy to access and i cannot emphasize enough that they work. everything that we need to be and stay healthy is right under our noses and almost free. Courtesy of God (or whomever your supreme being is) If you don’t answer to one , you’re screwed anyway so this advice certainly wouldn’t apply to you. Good luck, people of earth. Stay well and live large!!!

  37. This Swine Flu vaccine is another step to the New World Order by the zionists. They are fully aware of dire economic situation and that if it continues people will become rebellious. So what is the best way to sedate the population and keep citizens in check then to scare them to death and distract their attention from the economy. Swine Flu is man made and was released by US Security Services. Coincidentally the spring Swine Flu pandemic began to be publicized by the world news media a few days after the Israeli spy scandal and congress woman Jane Harman involved in it got heat from investigators. America is the dumbest, most unfree and most dangerous country with a population that is absolutely refusing to use its own mind to think.

  38. Let me see if I’ve got this right…either the “bankers” or the government or the FDA or the WHO or the CDC is intentionally trying to poison the population. Or maybe they’re conspiring together to infect us all. And this is done as some sort of test, or to sell more vaccine that will ultimately kill us. And all will be well if we put our faith in God. Do I have this right?

  39. hey, i had a tetanus booster a couple of weeks ago. last few days the injection site felt itchy and last night i was awakened by severe pain running up and down my arm… felt like my arm was on fire, it hurt like hell! took a bunch of stuff for it but still feel awful today. any feedback welcomed.

  40. Rose and All,
    I’d like to recommend in addition to at least 2000 mg of vitamin C everyday, as well as zinc, learn how to release and let go with The Sedona Method. Hale has plenty of excellent articles and mp3 downloads that you can read and listen to, to help you learn how to easily let go of mental and emotional content. I’ve been working with TSM since Nov. 2005 and it is fantastic. In letting go of the charge around issues, it helps free up the energy that gets stuck, which can and does cause physical dis-ease. It works!
    Be sure to read Lester Levenson’s story. Lester is the originator of The Sedona Method.
    Love, Peace, & True Freedom,

  41. Ask the Veterans that are alive from the Bikini Atol atomic tests about the Government “caring” for the people in a search for a means to kill in mass.
    Nearly all die of cancers. Most have already.

  42. What’s with all you people. The swine flu is just another flu that comes once a year. It is a little more advance but you aren’t dying now on your death bed are you. I have more important things to think about then the swine flu.

  43. i was forceably given a swine flu shot in 11976 at FT Dix NJ by a medical officer using a new type of needle back then-i feel to the floor later that night while marching and was hospitalized with 104 degree fever for a few days

    it was the worst sickness I ever had in my life and was nothing I will ever forget since that November day being only 17 and scared as ice packs were placed all over me to stop the fever


    sgt john drake ret

  44. Ha! This is hilarious! Ok, I had this sore throat and next morning my bones were just killing me. Now, I just can’t stop squatting and hopping. My Mama says I’m just like some monkey, and gosh that fever! I thought I was gonna die but trust Mama. I had some monkey pepper soup stirred in Unicorn dung, then she applied some python’s oil and massaged my whole body. My temperature was gone in the morning, I was starting to claw back. Now, I’m on elephant saliva stewed with hyena blood and more Unicorn dung. I drink pig’s milk, believe me, it’s raw immunization by itself! Ha! Get a life America!!!

  45. My family has suffered severely over the last 35 years from the hands of shadow predators masquerading as Psychiatrists, Physicians, Social workers, Teachers, Government officials and a host of other Professions in order to enact fear and paranoia in their savage campaign to gain control of my family’s mind and behavior thru their State sponsored unethical Human Research Programs.

    It is a conspiracy that is so monstrous that no one would want to believe it actually happened. These Individuals operates with total Impunity with Gestapo like powers and they hide within our Government’s Administrations throughout this Country.

    Thru prayer and countless research I discovered what I believe to be the truth of what has happened to my family. Base on uncanny similarities of victims of a secret Government program, Congressional Records and testimonials that can be substantiated through the Freedom of Information Act, I believe that my family has been targeted for Human Research thru an elaborate unethical program that changes its name often called MKULTRA.

    It all started in the latter part of the 60’s when the Drew daycare facility that cared for my oldest sibling Ward Johnson, convinced my mother to enroll him into Dr. Margaret Lawrence of Harlem Hospital program for kids with special needs simply because he wouldn’t play with other kids – which they claimed.

    A host of social workers and Dr. Lawrence eventually convinced my mother to enroll him into a special boarding school call Childville to correct his “problem” of playing by himself because they inform her that the board of education would not accept kids that are considered anti-social.

    She was instructed to hold him out of school at the age of 6 and that they will provide her with a special school that would accept him and correct his “problem” of not wanting to play with other children.

    In the summer of 1970 after Ward turn 7 years old he entered into Childville, a division of the Jewish child care association of New York City – Our lives has never been the same ever since his admission into that dreadful institution. It was there she found out that Ward was a prodigious savant who had incredible abilities… A fact that Dr. Lawrence hidden from her.

    Shortly after his enrollment into Childville, Ward started to exhibit severe personality changes that alarmed my mother that made her wanting to remove him from their so call “boarding school.” – It was then that the staff of Childville informed my mother that my brother no longer belong to her because she signed away her parental rights to BCW, when she enrolled him into their program and that he now belong to the New York State Foster Care System.

    My mother tried to get help as she fought valiantly for her son but the rogue elements within our Government flexed their muscle and utilized every agency imaginable in the City of New York to strip away her rights as they participated in this covert unethical experimentation of my brother.

    My family has been terrorized and abused by these demented officials and physicians who all swore an oath to uphold the law and to protect and serve and preserve a human life.

    Suddenly problems started to occur within our household as we became victims of repeated break-ins, vicious rumors and sabotage of reputation.

    This is about the time that they went after my brother Trevis through a clandestine operation within the elementary school (public school 23) he attended. They covertly administered drugs to him while making him feel like it was his fault for being “a bad little boy.”

    My mother was arrested after she “rescued” Ward from Childville by refusing to return him after a weekend visit – My brother’s and I was place into the custody of BCW because of the fact that she refuse to allow Childville to retain the parental rights to my brother Ward.

    My brother’s and I were injected with some type of medication while in the custody of BCW after my mother’s arrest in april of 1974. After that we all were diagnose with different types of physiological problems. My white blood cells became very low, Trevis started developing problems with his left eye (white mass bumps) and swelling in his left breast and Sean lost all the hair over his entire body.

    Shortly afterwards, our problems escalated within our household as the vandalism intensified and we became the victim of gang stalking, rumors, harassment by housing employees and even betrayal by close friends and family members.

    My mother has now become a target of psychological warfare from the conspirators as they focus their attention upon her to keep her quiet and occupied with problems.

    Numerous attempts of witchcraft have been used to keep her psychological captive and manageable for their sadistic plot they had in store for her and her family. The harassment grew more bizarre and severe every time she reached out for help from the proper authorities.

    She later found salvation in her newfound faith in Jehovah God, and was able to function with some sense of normalcy despite the many persecutions she experienced daily in everyday life. She had to endure further heartache when the conspirators turn their attention on her youngest son Sean whom they damaged severely with their behavioral modification program.

    Trevis was severely damage by these predators as he was drugged thru the board of education, Children Services and when they rail-road him into prison – Where they expose him to untold persecutions and mind – altering Drugs. All this was done covertly without the consent of my mother.

    I became “alienated” from my family because of the escalating trouble that we was having in our household and I began to rebel against my mother which force me into foster care at the tender age of 16. Once there they work feverishly to get me on mood- stabilizing medication and even threaten to withhold my allowance if I refuse to comply with their pharmaceutical regiment that they had laid out for me.

    I refused to take the medication and went on to graduated with honors and started working in the construction business at the age of 18 after I finish school. I now realize that God preserved me for a purpose when he allowed me to be place into foster care and protected me from the human research predators – much like he allowed Joseph to be sold into Egypt and use him to protect his family and his people in a time of distress. Satan had Joseph brothers sell him into slavery for wickedness but God allowed it to happen for righteousness, because he had a purpose for Joseph.

    My mother life seems to always be “troubled” and “busy” as she fought for the rights for her family. She didn’t even have the time to look into the huge amount of heir’s property that her late cousin (Wavy Lackey) promised her in Covington, Georgia which ended up in the hands of a powerful southern attorney by the name of Pat Campbell and an illegitimate relative name Lester Lackey.

    Was she recommended for this illegal program to distract her from her inheritance that her cousin promise her when he told her that he was going to leave her as the administrator of the Lackey Estates and train her sons in the family business?

    Or was she just a victim of double jeopardy as she and my brother’s continue to be victimized and terrorized by numerous governmental agencies? Her problems took a turn for the worse when they turn their attention to my niece Geneva Johnson who was “legally” kidnap by family court Supervising Judge Susan K. Knipps and Children Services (ACS).

    The Predators decided to go after my mother and try to give her a psych history in order to discredit her. They used my niece Geneva as a ransom to try to get my mother psychologically evaluated. They endangered the welfare of my niece and exposed her to untold horrors that any child shouldn’t have to endure. These individuals would go to any extremities to prove a point that doesn’t exist.

    My brother Trevis started disclosing facts about what happened to him and wanted to take civil action against his predators. They found ways to make his case disappear and out-dated as they forced him into a residential home (Pilby) and continued their illegal experiments on him until the day that he died.

    Was my brother murdered to keep him from talking about the years of ritual abuse and force medication that was done to him by rogue physicians operating with total impunity from someone within our Government?

    Why did the Hospitals, NYPD, Paramedics, Social Workers and the Medical Examiners office demonstrate gross-negligence and deceit, leading up to the unusual events of my brother’s death?

    Was this part of their “final solution” to rid themselves of members of my family… and if so, who’s next?

    Who in our Government is allowing these Hitler like atrocities to take place on unsuspecting American Citizens violating every Human, Civil and Constitutional law of God and Man?

    This is domestic terrorism of the worst kind and this is why this story must be made public and the guilty must stand trial for their crimes.

    My family and countless others that the Government deems to be expendable may be the beginning of what some rogue officials have in store for America’s future. Please don’t forget that this is still a government for the people and by the people. We must all work together to bring this story to the light to rid ourselves of this social cancer – Because today it’s my family that is suffering and tomorrow it may be yours.

  46. If you researched or browsed around on the web about this so called “swine flu vaccines” you will see that all it is doing is killing more people then the swine flu itself. I read that the World health Organization is responsible for this outbreak and reason being is for population control. It makes me sick to my stomach that these people have the guts to play god! Please do not take this vaccine and pray for what is about to happen! GOD is the only one who will help us now. Keep your faith up!!!!

  47. OMG YOUR FUCKING RIGHT!!! the government is out to get us and no one has any remorse for the human only 19 but i see whats going on in the world around us..and it is not good..iv also read that if we refuse these shots we will be forced into fucking FEMA CAMPS look it up FEMA CAMPS..they are built all around the US..fuck the goverment..those stupid assholes

  48. Medicine today is more and more frequently described in terms of science. With the origin and development of drugs and surgical techniques modern medicine has thought itself to be evermore exact and evermore resembling the hard sciences of chemistry and physics. We would all like to think that medicine today is based on rock solid assumptions that stand the test of time. But since the 1930s medical science began a process of self-deception when it began relying on drug trials and ‘studies’ that were easily manipulated by conflicts of interests whose driving motive was the making of profit. Conflicts of interest may be very diverse in their character and effects but nowhere is the effect more nightmarish than in this story about mercury in vaccines.

    Mercury is a unique poison in that it incapacitates numerous enzymes in cells, including those used to neutralize free radicals.[i]
    Dr. Russel Blaylock (Neurosurgeon)

    Mercury has been known to be hazardous for literally hundreds of years, and its dangers have been well documented. Thousands of parents have reported biological and neurodevelopment changes in their children directly following administration of mercury-containing vaccines with a broad range of symptoms, including sudden onset of shyness, GI distress, loss of motor skill function, allergies, the inability to speak, tremors and autonomic disturbances, all which mimic those associated with mercury poisoning.

  49. I hear the best defense against this flu is vitamin D and pure garlic. Not the garlic pills but pure garlic, It will taste awful but it might possibly save your life. If you can’t stand the taste, you can cut it into small pieces and put it on toast or something like that.

    Hang in there…this is just the beginning of a long road through hell…..

  50. sheldon johnson said
    September 7, 2009 at 8:16 am
    My family has suffered severely over the last 35 years from the hands of shadow predators masquerading as Psychiatrists, Physicians, Social workers, Teachers, Government officials and a host of other Professions in order to enact fear and paranoia in their savage campaign to gain control of my family’s mind and behavior thru their State sponsored unethical Human Research Programs.

    It is a conspiracy that is so monstrous that no one would want to believe it actually happened. These Individuals operates with total Impunity with Gestapo like powers and they hide within our Government’s Administrations throughout this Country.

    Thru prayer and countless research I discovered what I believe to be the truth of what has happened to my family. Base on uncanny similarities of victims of a secret Government program, Congressional Records and testimonials that can be substantiated through the Freedom of Information Act, I believe that my family has been targeted for Human Research thru an elaborate unethical program that changes its name often called MKULTRA.

    It all started in the latter part of the 60’s when the Drew daycare facility that cared for my oldest sibling Ward Johnson, convinced my mother to enroll him into Dr. Margaret Lawrence of Harlem Hospital program for kids with special needs simply because he wouldn’t play with other kids – which they claimed.

    A host of social workers and Dr. Lawrence eventually convinced my mother to enroll him into a special boarding school call Childville to correct his “problem” of playing by himself because they inform her that the board of education would not accept kids that are considered anti-social.

    She was instructed to hold him out of school at the age of 6 and that they will provide her with a special school that would accept him and correct his “problem” of not wanting to play with other children.

    In the summer of 1970 after Ward turn 7 years old he entered into Childville, a division of the Jewish child care association of New York City – Our lives has never been the same ever since his admission into that dreadful institution. It was there she found out that Ward was a prodigious savant who had incredible abilities… A fact that Dr. Lawrence hidden from her.

    Shortly after his enrollment into Childville, Ward started to exhibit severe personality changes that alarmed my mother that made her wanting to remove him from their so call “boarding school.” – It was then that the staff of Childville informed my mother that my brother no longer belong to her because she signed away her parental rights to BCW, when she enrolled him into their program and that he now belong to the New York State Foster Care System.

    My mother tried to get help as she fought valiantly for her son but the rogue elements within our Government flexed their muscle and utilized every agency imaginable in the City of New York to strip away her rights as they participated in this covert unethical experimentation of my brother.

    My family has been terrorized and abused by these demented officials and physicians who all swore an oath to uphold the law and to protect and serve and preserve a human life.

    Suddenly problems started to occur within our household as we became victims of repeated break-ins, vicious rumors and sabotage of reputation.

    This is about the time that they went after my brother Trevis through a clandestine operation within the elementary school (public school 23) he attended. They covertly administered drugs to him while making him feel like it was his fault for being “a bad little boy.”

    My mother was arrested after she “rescued” Ward from Childville by refusing to return him after a weekend visit – My brother’s and I was place into the custody of BCW because of the fact that she refuse to allow Childville to retain the parental rights to my brother Ward.

    My brother’s and I were injected with some type of medication while in the custody of BCW after my mother’s arrest in april of 1974. After that we all were diagnose with different types of physiological problems. My white blood cells became very low, Trevis started developing problems with his left eye (white mass bumps) and swelling in his left breast and Sean lost all the hair over his entire body.

    Shortly afterwards, our problems escalated within our household as the vandalism intensified and we became the victim of gang stalking, rumors, harassment by housing employees and even betrayal by close friends and family members.

    My mother has now become a target of psychological warfare from the conspirators as they focus their attention upon her to keep her quiet and occupied with problems.

    Numerous attempts of witchcraft have been used to keep her psychological captive and manageable for their sadistic plot they had in store for her and her family. The harassment grew more bizarre and severe every time she reached out for help from the proper authorities.

    She later found salvation in her newfound faith in Jehovah God, and was able to function with some sense of normalcy despite the many persecutions she experienced daily in everyday life. She had to endure further heartache when the conspirators turn their attention on her youngest son Sean whom they damaged severely with their behavioral modification program.

    Trevis was severely damage by these predators as he was drugged thru the board of education, Children Services and when they rail-road him into prison – Where they expose him to untold persecutions and mind – altering Drugs. All this was done covertly without the consent of my mother.

    I became “alienated” from my family because of the escalating trouble that we was having in our household and I began to rebel against my mother which force me into foster care at the tender age of 16. Once there they work feverishly to get me on mood- stabilizing medication and even threaten to withhold my allowance if I refuse to comply with their pharmaceutical regiment that they had laid out for me.

    I refused to take the medication and went on to graduated with honors and started working in the construction business at the age of 18 after I finish school. I now realize that God preserved me for a purpose when he allowed me to be place into foster care and protected me from the human research predators – much like he allowed Joseph to be sold into Egypt and use him to protect his family and his people in a time of distress. Satan had Joseph brothers sell him into slavery for wickedness but God allowed it to happen for righteousness, because he had a purpose for Joseph.

    My mother life seems to always be “troubled” and “busy” as she fought for the rights for her family. She didn’t even have the time to look into the huge amount of heir’s property that her late cousin (Wavy Lackey) promised her in Covington, Georgia which ended up in the hands of a powerful southern attorney by the name of Pat Campbell and an illegitimate relative name Lester Lackey.

    Was she recommended for this illegal program to distract her from her inheritance that her cousin promise her when he told her that he was going to leave her as the administrator of the Lackey Estates and train her sons in the family business?

    Or was she just a victim of double jeopardy as she and my brother’s continue to be victimized and terrorized by numerous governmental agencies? Her problems took a turn for the worse when they turn their attention to my niece Geneva Johnson who was “legally” kidnap by family court Supervising Judge Susan K. Knipps and Children Services (ACS).

    The Predators decided to go after my mother and try to give her a psych history in order to discredit her. They used my niece Geneva as a ransom to try to get my mother psychologically evaluated. They endangered the welfare of my niece and exposed her to untold horrors that any child shouldn’t have to endure. These individuals would go to any extremities to prove a point that doesn’t exist.

    My brother Trevis started disclosing facts about what happened to him and wanted to take civil action against his predators. They found ways to make his case disappear and out-dated as they forced him into a residential home (Pilby) and continued their illegal experiments on him until the day that he died.

    Was my brother murdered to keep him from talking about the years of ritual abuse and force medication that was done to him by rogue physicians operating with total impunity from someone within our Government?

    Why did the Hospitals, NYPD, Paramedics, Social Workers and the Medical Examiners office demonstrate gross-negligence and deceit, leading up to the unusual events of my brother’s death?

    Was this part of their “final solution” to rid themselves of members of my family… and if so, who’s next?

    Who in our Government is allowing these Hitler like atrocities to take place on unsuspecting American Citizens violating every Human, Civil and Constitutional law of God and Man?

    This is domestic terrorism of the worst kind and this is why this story must be made public and the guilty must stand trial for their crimes.

    My family and countless others that the Government deems to be expendable may be the beginning of what some rogue officials have in store for America’s future. Please don’t forget that this is still a government for the people and by the people. We must all work together to bring this story to the light to rid ourselves of this social cancer – Because today it’s my family that is suffering and tomorrow it may be yours

    ok i change my mind… THIS person is a nut

  51. Firstly, Sheldon, do readers and web servers everywhere a favour- take your meds!!!

    What’s telling here is that the rantings of a paranoid schizophrenic fit right in among the more common “theories” posted on this thread. The paranoia, logical leaps, and complete confidence in the obviousness of their opinions unite the two. Tin foil hats are on…
    I do like the writer’s listing “Phd” after her name on top, yet on the bottom we find it’s in business administration! Really useless article, it was all unsubstantiated opinion; “I feel…”, “I believe/think…”, etc, So it came down to “vaccines are bad because I have a feeling they are”…
    And to the disbarred Quebecois dr., maybe you were disbarred because you’re a friggin’ nut?!?

  52. You people are delusional and paranoid. I wouldn’t care, except your paranoia actually harms people, and it’s usually your children. Back when there was a scare over a vaccine causing Autism, a large number of parents chose not the vaccinate their children. Shortly after the study linking Autism to the vaccination was found to be in error, but it was too late for about a dozen children who DIED from a preventable illness.

    Quite frankly you people aren’t fit to have children, but since for many of you it’s too late for that, at least don’t let your particular brand of crazy hurt your children.

  53. Swine Flu: to Vaccinate or not ?
    Marc GIRARD, MSc, MD
    Consultant in drug monitoring and pharmacoepidemiology
    European expert (AEXEA)
    76 route de Paris, 78760 Jouars-Pontchartrain – France

    Go to the link provided below, for the complete paper (23 pages)…Everyone should read this if you have not already.

    Click to access Swine%20Flu,%20To%20Vaccinate%20Or%20Not,%20Dr%20Marc%20Girard,%20MD.pdf

    Information provided by Christopher-Peter: Maingot; without prejudice, malice aforethought, ill will, vexation, or frivolity.

  54. im doiing a project on the swine flu and in the 1970’s the swine flu VACCINE killed more than the swine flu itself O_O weird huh!!!

  55. I agree with #15 Anonymous
    I believe our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back real soon, every thing that is taken place is stated in the bible.I just hope you are ready to meet Him when He comes back for His people. If your not saved, now, today is the day for salvation. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior so you will live in Heaven with Him forever. No matter what kills us in this world,we are all appointed death as some point in time, in life, we just have to be ready and not be afraid. Hell is real, so make it right with God before its too late(Read Romans 10:9) May God bless everyone whom reads this.

  56. Is there a new pandemic in town?
    By Dr. B. M. Hegde, India [August 20, 2009]

    I wonder as to how much longer will medicine’s flagship educational events (like warning of epidemics) fly the colours of the drug industry?

    “The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history. During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
    “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
    “There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.” — George Orwell.

    What does it mean when the media says that there are deaths here and there due to Swine ‘Flu in a particular place?
    They rely on a simple bedside test that collects secretion samples from the throat, mouth and nose of the suspected patients and send it to designated laboratories for identifying the virus in question using a new rapid (rRT-PCR) test which, notably, is designed by the same pharmaceutical company that also has the world wide rights for selling Tamiflu, the drug that the common man thinks is the panacea for swine ‘flu! This (rRT-PCR) test has not been scientifically validated before being let lose on the gullible public by the US government with the plea that the urgency demands, “that the usual testing procedures be done away with.” In other words, we are having a test whose value is under doubt. The researchers in the field have admitted, “that this test is only presumptive and not definitive!” Its specificity and sensitivity could be as low as 50%. False positives and false negative tests are not unusual at all.

    Applied Biosystems Receives FDA 510k Clearance for Real-time PCR Instrument for Use with New Flu Test from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    The multifaceted arrangement between Applied Biosystems and Roche


    Trinity East student tests positive for H1N1
    October 17th 2009

    Questions remain over A(H1N1) death of Da Costa
    A close friend has seen the death certificate…signed by pathologist Dr. Hughvon des Vignes.

    Government virus expert paid £116k by swine flu vaccine manufacturers
    27th July 2009
    Read more:

    Information compiled and provided by Christopher-Peter: Maingot; without prejudice, malice aforethought, ill will, vexation, or frivolity.

  57. Delusional I swear. Both myself & my 14 yr old son got the swine flu shot. It was easy, simple and had ABSOLUTELY NO SIDE EFFECTS WHATSOEVER!!! You people are idiots and fear mongers. GET YOUR DAMN SWINE FLU SHOTS!! The people who refuse to get the swine flu shots will be the same ones screaming in emergency rooms in a month or two about the 43 hour wait time. Meanwhile my son and I will be home enjoying our holiday season. Enjoy your fear mongering.

  58. I am very worried about this new strand of flue, and also about the vaccination. In reality I am always worried about vaccinations. I am not planning to get the vaccination, because I don’t think I need it. But I am very worried about the children in my family. I am not thinking about compiracies or things like that, I am worried about the time frame in which this vaccine has been produce. In reality, there is no prove of what are the side effects.

  59. Why do you think this person is a nut. Common sense says just don’t get the shot. Obviously there has been real people who had horrible experiences with this vaccine. Why is there such a hype about getting sick. Everybody gets sick. Do what makes sense. I don’t think you need to run to the doctor over every sniffel. Stay home for a couple days get better take some vitamins. Aren’t you people tired of the big business raping your wallet. This isn’t gov’t conspiracy lab testing. It’s big money for drug companies. Just like a mechanic the doctor wants to up his service when u walk in the door. Like little lambs we do whatever the gov’t says. Some body look into the fact that the gov’t has taken steps to protect themselves. They can not be sued if something does happen because of vaccine. Well hell I can’t even put a new window in my own damn house without paying for a permit but the gov’t isn’t responsible for innoculating people with some shady vaccine. Whatever. I wish somebody would really organize and stand up for what the little people believe in. I’m not a leader but I’m a good follower. Lets protect our rights before there aren’t any left. And it’s christmas not winter festival or whatever the hell there calling it now. blah

  60. There is a lot of information in the media about swine flu. To the point of overwhelming. Although not expressly untrue, many facts are lacking and worst of all, the information is presented grossly out of context. Presenting facts selectively, and using a loaded message to produce an emotional rather than rational response spells propaganda.

    Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, chairman of the German Medical Association’s drug commission, stated: “The health authorities have succumbed to a campaign by the pharma companies, which simply want to earn money from a supposed threat.”

    While Mr Obama seems to think that emergency rules will make it easier to handle anticipated surge in patients. Yes, after all that fear mongering, people are lining up for the jab. As a result, the swine flu panic is sweeping the world.

    Unfortunately, the biggest casualty of this corporate driven, politically supported, media-manufactured hysteria is – common sense.

    Having sold billions of dollars worth of anti-flu drugs to the governments around the world, it’s clear the swine flu pandemic has been good news for the pharmaceuticals industry.

    But, did you also know that Baxter, the US pharmaceutical giant, had been accused of fraud amid allegations that it had overpriced medicines by as much as 1300%(?) As a result, the company reached at least seven huge settlements over the past 12 months, some for millions of dollars.

    Despite the scandal, Baxter is one of two companies awarded the contract to produce 132 million doses of vaccine for Britain alone.

    Stay informed. Don’t take anything for granted just because someone ‘credible’ says so. Pull as many facts that are available together into a picture that makes sense for you. Draw a conclusion of your own.

    The truth will set you free!

    Some facts at my blog Consciousness [R]Evolution at WordPress

  61. For Chris with “FLU” like symptoms:
    You should consider taking Activated Charcoal Capsules, for the bug that seems to now be in your gut. The charcoal will settle any gastrointestinal discomfort that you may have, and will at the same time, absorb any toxins in your body. The charcoal, will obviously then come out, whenever you have another bowel movement or vomit. You can take up to 30 capsules per day, and would be much better off doing this, than taking the pepto bismol and, all that other PHARMA Crap. You should also take Vitamin D, especially at this time of year, when we will have reduced sunlight. Drink lots of pure water too. And, if you want something to settle any acid reflux (heart burn), then get organic pure apple cider vinegar, and slowly swallow about a 1/2 ounce…it may make you cough, so swallow it very slowly…much better for you than “hard liquor.”

  62. I have a question for all the people who are telling everyone else not to get the swine flu vaccine. Did you get your children their vaccinations when they were born? I have spent two weeks now researching on whether or not to get this vaccine. All side effects that this vaccine can have are the exact same side effects that someone can have with the vaccines that they get as infants and children. Even the percentage rates are the same. As for what the letter said about getting Guillain-barre syndrome, Typhus or some other condition, that is the same with any other vaccine out there. There is a less than 1% chance of getting those conditions with this and any other vaccination. You people need to make sure that you get the facts straight before you go telling someone else what they should and should not do. You also need to make sure that you have all the information before you go off half-cocked telling someone things when you don’t know everything. I have decided to get the inactive strain vaccine due to the fact that I have a two month old daughter and my fear is that if she gets this flu I will no longer have a daughter. In 95% of the cases that I have read any child younger than the age of 10 who has gotten this flu has died from it. Even children who do not have underlying health conditions.



    EXCIPIENTS (any component of a finished dosage form, other than the claimed therapeutic ingredient, or ingredients) of which are typically found, to be contained in VACCINES, administered to human beings.


    Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80 or polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate) may cause, among innumerable other side effects; cause damage to vagina and womb lining, significant hormonal changes, severe ovary deformities, accelerated maturation, and ultimately, infertility.

    The University of Georgia Research Foundation filed a patent application on the 30th of December 1998, for a fertility impairing vaccine. The vaccine is comprised of an aqueous solution, containing the isolated pZP glycoprotein, typically in a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution and, additionally, preferably contains Tween 80.

    Polysorbate 80, is in the Fluarix, U.S. marketed Swine Flu vaccine, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). The GSK Canada, version, is known as Arepanrix™ and, virtually contains the same ingredients.

    Polysorbate 80 clinical studies – have shown increased risks of the following serious side effects; blood clots, stroke, heart attack, heart failure and death in some cases. It has also been shown to shorten overall survival and/or increase the risk of tumor growth or recurrence in patients with certain types of cancer.

    Other SEVERE side effects, may include; Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); blurred vision or vision changes; chest pain; confusion; fainting; fast or irregular heartbeat; flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, sore throat); one-sided weakness; pale skin color; seizures; redness, tenderness, or swelling of the calf; severe diarrhea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, or vomiting; severe or persistent tiredness or weakness; slurred speech; sudden pain or numbness of an arm or leg; sudden shortness of breath; sudden trouble walking or loss of balance; swelling of the arms or legs; vision or speech problems; weight gain.

    More COMMON side effects of Polysorbate/Tween 80, may include; Constipation; cough; diarrhea; dizziness; headache; muscle, joint, back, or stomach pain; nausea or vomiting; pain, swelling, irritation, redness, or bruising at the injection site; unusual tiredness or weakness.

    Most other Influenza Vaccines, along with several other typically administered vaccines, around the world, contain Polysorbate/Tween 80.

    THIMEROSAL / THIOMERSAL – (Approximately 49% Mercury by weight)

    Chronic Effects of Thimerosal on Humans:
    MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells.
    May cause damage to the following organs: kidneys, liver, spleen, bone marrow and, central nervous system (CNS). Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated exposure to a highly toxic material may produce general deterioration of health by an accumulation in one or many human organs.

    Federal and State Regulations – California Proposition 65 (prop 65) – The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986: This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has found to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, which would require a warning under the statute.
    Under Prop. 65, Mercury and Mercury compounds, are listed as “Chemicals known to the State of California to Cause Reproductive Toxicity.”

    WHMIS (Canada):
    CLASS D-1B: Material causing immediate and serious toxic effects (TOXIC).
    CLASS D-2A: Material causing other toxic effects (VERY TOXIC).

    FORMALDEHYDE (Methyl alcohol; Water)

    Chronic Effects on Humans: CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified A2 (Suspected for human.) by ACGIH, 2A (Probable for human.) by IARC [Formaldehyde].
    MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. [Formaldehyde]. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. [Formaldehyde].
    Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. [Methyl alcohol].
    Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. [Methyl alcohol].
    TERATOGENIC EFFECTS (Able to disturb the growth and development of an embryo or fetus): Classified POSSIBLE for human [Methyl alcohol].
    May cause damage to the following organs: kidneys, liver, central nervous system (CNS).
    Other Toxic Effects on Humans: Very hazardous in case of ingestion.

    Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: Exposure to Formaldehyde and Methanol may affect genetic material (mutagenic).
    Exposure to Formaldehyde and Methanol may cause adverse reproductive effects and birth defects (teratogenic).
    Adverse reproductive effects of Formaldehyde as well as Methanol are primarily based on animal studies.
    Harmful if swallowed. May be fatal. Causes gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting (possibly with blood), diarrhea, severe pain in mouth, throat and stomach, and possible corrosive injury to the gastrointestinal mucosa/ulceration or bleeding from stomach. May also affect the liver (jaundice), urinary system/kidneys (difficulty urinating, albuminuria, hematuria, anuria), blood, endocrine system, respiration (respiratory obstruction, pulmonary edema, bronchiolar obstruction), cardiovascular system (hypotension), metabolism (metabolic acidosis), eyes (retinal changes, visual field changes), and behavior/central nervous system.

    Federal and State Regulations – California prop. 65: This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has found to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, which would require a warning under the statute.

    WHMIS (Canada):
    CLASS B-3: Combustible liquid with a flash point between 37.8°C (100°F) and 93.3°C (200°F).
    CLASS D-1A: Material causing immediate and serious toxic effects (VERY TOXIC).
    CLASS D-2A: Material causing other toxic effects (VERY TOXIC).

    This is but a small list, of some of the most typical excipients/ingredients, contained in a vast number of regularly administered, and scheduled vaccinations; used by governments around the world. These vaccines (DRUGS), are almost always recommended, and sometimes forced upon us. Supposedly meant to provide protection of the recipient’s health.

    Health Canada approved this country’s H1N1 vaccine without evaluating its safety and effectiveness on a single Canadian, the Ottawa Citizen has learned.

    Invariably, the introduction of these alien substances into the human body/system, will create serious anaphylaxis reactions. And, possibly even fatal, anaphylactoid shock, as well.

    Information compiled and provided by: Christopher-Peter: Maingot; without prejudice, malice aforethought, ill will, vexation, or frivolity.

  65. URGENT GET THIS OUT NOW ! RFID BRACELET ONCE YOU HAVE HAD THE US666 & EU666 VACCINATION / watch the You tube clip. 666 is here

  66. my mom today she said when she got the flu shot she got sick for a week. she said we are not going to get it because do you know that it can do alote to you body and that what you dont want. so domt get it becouse i bet it is under cover work to turn us into zombies

  67. URGENT GET THIS OUT NOW ! RFID BRACELET ONCE YOU HAVE HAD THE US666 & EU666 VACCINATION / watch the You tube clip. 666 is here

    You want to make some big MONEY, USE RELIGION to scare people.

  68. I saw a movie couple of months ago, its called “Esoteric Agenda”….its a documentary…..pretty interesting stuff, makes you curious and more so makes you question topics such as pandemics, global warming, etc., and in this case i found it somehow relevant to the Swine Flu vaccine. I cant say that everything I saw and heard in the movie is true nor that it has much of a credibility, but check it out, you may start questoning things you sometimes take for granted.
    I have children and very divided between whether to give them the vaccine or not. At this point of time I will stay put until I am more knowledgable and comfortable with making a decision.

  69. Michelle, Anonymous, and everyone else, watch “Esoteric Agenda” if you can find it. It is a really interesting documentary on population control, politics, WHO, global warming and everything else we never hear about!

  70. Hello there! I just want to share this article I read from this site:
    by RAY K. Hope he won’t mind me posting his article here. This might help others to decide if they still want to take the H1N1 Flu vaccine. My late condolences to the bereaved family whoever they are. Thanks Ray for this article.

    “The Link is Still there from 1976.. A real life story!

    A close family members father was an active senior, ex-naval officer who was one of the first in his area to receive the Swine Flu Vaccine. He was 79 and in excellent health. He was an active bike rider putting on 125 to 150 miles a week. With all the talk about the Swine Flu, he wanted to take pro-active measures to make sure he didn’t get the virus and took measures to be one of the first to receive the vaccination, which he did in early May 2009. Within days, he was experiencing severe GI disorders, extremely loose stools followed immediately by severe constipation. He sought out medical attention, no stool samples were taken, but he received pills for the symptoms. Within another few days, he was admitted to the hospital with paralysis in his limbs along with respiratory disorders. Mind you, all this took place within a matter of approximately 5 days. He was then diagnosed with GBS … spent the next 80 days on a respiratory, while still paralyzed. With no hope of any meaningful recovery, he decided to be taken off the respirator and passed away with family members peacefully. His official cause of death on his certificate was GBS.

    It was an extreme shock to see an extremely healthy, active man deteriorate at this accelerated pace, especially right after getting this Swine Flu Vaccination. In doing some further research, it appears that there were similar situations which triggered GBS in post vaccination individuals in 1976, with 25 individuals having the same fatal outcome. I also understand that the CDC is currently conducting a 2000 person test right now to qualify a 120 million dose program ready for next months roll-out.

    I wanted to share this information and bring this to the attention of the CDC (Wich I did with no response or acknoledgement) and now to the Public’s attention as a concern, not about the virus itself, but maybe some other influence such as packaging. Lets not have 1976 re-play!

    I am seeking any advise as to how to go about how to escalate and report this concern and also raise awareness to the appropriate medical evaluation team, and the General Public.

    Thank you!
    — Ray K
    9:51 am August 26th, 2009 ”

    by: SCA

  71. Children’s Hospital in Boston has not required their staff to get the vaccine, and the biggest problem they are having now with this “pandemic” is that every parent whose child has any type of flu-like condition is rushing to the ER when they they should be keeping their child at home and doing the usual comfort measures until it resolves. Very few children actually need to be at the hospital.

    Think about this: How much money has circulated around because of this supposed killer flu?! M’thinks it has more to do with stimulating the economy and keeping people’s minds off of the real problems in this country than anything else.

    Having said that, I would not put anything beyond anybody at this point. The world is crazy because too much potential power can be amassed world-wide and I’m sure there is some Hitler-wanna-be who would go for it, and we are living in very treacherous times. There’s no accountability or just plain old decency any more! It’s upside down, I mean, come on, bailing out crooks and ignoring the hundreds of thousands who’ve had their homes stolen?

    Rediculous. Wake up people! ‘The GOOD GUYS better shake a leg cuz the BAD GUYS are working overtime!’

  72. Flu is a conspiracy, 911 was a conspiracy, WHO,CDC,WTO,FBI, are all conspiracy,Christmas and Easter are a conspiracy and so is the air we all breath. Please be wise but don’t be unreal. NOt everything in life is a conspiracy or a goverment plot. You live in fear and blame. You say trust God but appear to trust nothing.Please stop preaching faith, when you appear to have none.

  73. The government has a powerful control over the people, because most people don’t believe that they would do something like 9/11 or the swine flu. Well let me remember the none believes something. Back be4 the Iraq war, the Bush Administration was trying to build support to go to war. I don’t know their names but you can look it up if you want, but one guy fought against Bush and his “no called for war” and when he spoke out and said that Iraq had no WMD’s. What did they do? They went and put his wife’s name in the paper and she was a secret CIA agent and she was serving her country. So they put a hit on her. If those sorry ass people would do that, then why wouldn’t they do 9/11 or the swine flu? They was going to have her killed just because her husband wouldn’t lie for their sorry ass and bring us into a trillion dollar war and kill all those people and for what? Some might say well Bush is gone, no Obama is just his extension and the health care bill proves that! So go on don’t believe it, its just your money that they are wasting on bailouts, health care bill, wars that hasn’t done any good. So keep on paying into them, keep letting them rob you and your children and your children’s children! But I say enough is enough! I’m going to find a new country to call home because America is going to hell fast and it makes me sick! So all you that support this out of control wasteful government can have it and you can set in you home and wait to pay the next tax, fee, or fine just because you can afford insurance, or lose your job and let the state action off your home when you can’t afford the taxes on it after the health insurance goes up. After this passes they can charge what ever they want to and you’ll have to pay it or pay their fine. It kills me how stupid the majority of the people are in this country! Why has the majority of the people in this country believe their lies when they know they are lieing,like Iraq had WMD’s? Why oh why America have you turned out to be so messed up, and why does it make me want to cry?

  74. If you received a vaccine you should eat plenty of cilantro. The Vietnamese use A cilantro soup to purge heavey metals out of the system. They have done numerous studies on this and found it is in fact true. It is very effective in pulling mercury, aluminum and other toxic metals out of the system. I have found several recipes online.

  75. I’m just going to say this and I’m not religious by any means, and what I have to say has nothing to do with religion if you can see beyond the veil and the coding that the good book “Bible” is coded in. Jesus said in John 10:34, “Has it not been written in your law, I said you are GODS”, and your law is your DNA and in the beginning GOD said “Let US(who the hell is US)make man in OUR image and OUR likeness. We are the Christ Entities that should be coming back to save ourselves. We ARE GODS! And we cannot even control our own lives in a sense and why? Because we have always relied on someone else, Priest, Ministers, and the like to tell us what GOD wants us to do and they have no clue of what GOD wants for US as individuals, only YOU know what GOD wants for YOU. The INTUITION is the KNOWER of ALL THINGS according to YOUR life, we all know that feeling we get that tells us when something is right or when something is not quite right. The 7 Wonders of the World are inside of US The 7 Chakras; Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra(your dominance lies within this Chakra, it’s your Shining Sun), Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra(the pineal gland and we are all psychic) and the Crown Chakra at the top of your head. The Dormant spiritual energy “The Kundalini” at the base of the spine is a serpent energy coiled up ready to be awakened. The Serpent or Snake is not evil by nature but can be if you mess with it, and lots of people have snakes as pets so we know that is a true statement. It is totally Intelligent and Wise…now are you following me. A sign of that is the Serpent in the Bible who so-called convinced Eve to get Adam to eat of the tree of KNOWLEDGE and supposedly they were not ready yet. There is a process to go through to gain divine wisdom but what is that process that we must go through and become the GODS that we are plain and simple as that. Another symbol is the Caduces the symbol of the American Medical Association the 2 snakes intertwined up a staff or rod and at the top you have the two heads of the snakes facing each other and then there are the WINGS. Do you believe you can Fly? WE are the only solution to our problems here in this world and unfortunately the WE is diminished to only a few. And last but not least, the good book says “Be ye not conformed to this world” and yet most are conformed to it, hypnotised in a permanent trance, and that is why we are in the condition we are in today. The People Have All The Power!

    Love, Peace and Harmony to all!

  76. I had the swine flu shot in Afghanistan, that was maybe 4 months back( slipped in with the German military) …Not even a hint of any sickness..I have since had a physical for a new job and am healthy as a horse..I had the shot the same time as 3 of my buds. None of us have experienced any sickness at all..I normally catch some kind of crud here in the winter because the locals stay sick in the winter and are the hand shakingest people on the planet. I have been in a position to have to shake some pretty nasty hands and still no symptoms of any flu at all. Hard to say how many cases have been here due to people that die are normally buried ASAP.

  77. I took a swine flu vaccine being suspicious. I knew I should have trusted my instincts. They’re pretty sharp. Anyway I haven’t taken the second shot for personal beliefs but will I be ok?

  78. Eh, I never take any flu vaccines. As the comedian Lewis Black says, “F*#k the flu vaccine, you take it and you never get the flu because it gives you the cold all year round”.

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