Former High-Ranking Intelligence Officer: Cheney Responsible for 9/11

(WashingtonsBlog) – David Steele is a former 20-year Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer, the second-ranking civilian in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence, and former CIA clandestine services case officer.

Steele has previously written that “9/11 was at a minimum allowed to happen as a pretext for war”.

This month, Steele went further, writing:

Pakistan briefed Cheney [about the plans for the terrorist attacks ahead of time] …nations also got wind of this and warned the CIA. We also had two walk-ins to the FBI, one in Orlando, one in Newark, that were dismissed by the FBI because the names were all virgins and not in the FBI data base—the arrogance of stupid bureaucracy.

Cheney saw an opportunity for what Bush called his trifecta, and gave it to him by giving the go-ahead to ISI and Al Qaeda, and ordering up a terrorism exercise that allowed him to send all relevant close-in air defense strip alert craft away from the target areas, and to disable the NORTHCOM normal response to flight path diversion.

While the details might be open to debate, many other very high-level intelligence officers have said the “official” explanation for 9/11 makes no sense. And see this and this.


2 thoughts on “Former High-Ranking Intelligence Officer: Cheney Responsible for 9/11

  1. Nobody likes to deal with Dark Conspiracy Theories and yet with False Flag Operations, we can be honest with ourselves and uncover the truth in our government, or we can choose to stay asleep and carry on as if our leaders are telling us the truth. It becomes self evident, when one does their own research that something very sinister is being executed in our name and without our informed consent. It is time to unmask the Dark Side conspiracy theories and sort through what is theory and what is fact.

    When we lift the veil and confront our demons we will rise up on wings of eagles and see the evil done in our name. We have only to look under the rug and open the closet to our inner self to reveal the shadow.

    False flag operations are nothing new as a tool of the state to manipulate world events for their perceived benefit. This ability to incite the populace against a foreign threat has its roots in military conflict going back to the beginning of history. The fact that current events seem so unconnected is testimony to the failure of men and women to read history and see the manipulation that sovereign nations perpetuate on their own people and one another. Evil men are capable of anything, when done in secret.

    Any trick, black magic, to achieve ones end is on the table. No-thing is off limits when power is concentrated in the hands of a few. Ultimate world domination is one organizing element within the context of a New World Order that knows no bounds to their lust for power and control. We must be willing to see the strategic, power politics game these men play on the world stage. To fail this test means we are doomed and at their mercy. We must uncover the manipulation, and act in unison, to take their power, concentrated in the hands of a few, and place it in the hands of the people. This is our mission.

    It is time to unlock the false reality that has been perpetrated on us by the 9/11 false flag operation. When one does their own research, on any level, whether it be the policy side, physics or mind control manipulation, one is forever turned upside down and can see the level of manipulation this present society experiences on a daily basis. This world event is a wake up call, to all of us, and has within it the seed for real fundamental change. If it can be a triggering event that unmasks the evil being done in our name and opens the door for real change then the 9/11 incident can have a transformational positive effect on our world. If it can be seen in spiritual terms and triggers a catalyzing awakening of consciousness then this tragedy can be a true wake up call.

    On September 11, 2001 the world was forever changed. We were told the 911 conspiracy involved nineteen (19) Muslim Arab Terrorists who hated America because of its democratic system and the freedoms we enjoy as citizens of this great country. We have been led to believe that they acted alone and the conspiracy was directed by Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda terrorist network. When one chooses to critically analyze the 911 conspiracy theory the government promotes, one is forever changed and it literally reframes the nature of their personal reality.

    Conspiracy Theory vs. Conspiracy Truth is defined as a conspiracy theory based on partial evidence leading to conjecture or partial truth vs. a conspiracy theory based on a preponderance of the evidence that a reasonable, well informed person, would conclude is true based on all the evidence. To understand the 911 operation one must do their own research and look at the operation from many different perspectives. The policy side, physics, i.e. thermite, free fall, structural engineering and the mind control Psy/Op aspects that were perpetrated on the American public and the world.

    The 911 conspiracy theory that the government proposes and promotes to the world is false; it is not supported by the facts or the evidence, plain and simple. The Conspiracy Truth that is supported by the facts and the evidence is quit clear when one takes responsibility for the information and does their own research. 911 was a false flag operation, a Psy/Op, perpetrated on the American people involving numerous people, including but not limited to Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda network, and orchestrated and directed by our intelligence apparatus, therefore a conspiracy at the highest level of our government and our intelligence services. The evidence shows beyond a reasonable doubt that the government’s simple conspiracy theory is not supported by facts or the evidence. The only way this operation could have been carried out was with the knowledge and support of rough elements within our intelligence services and with the complicity of our political establishment.

    False flag operations are nothing new in the world and go back literally to the dawn of civilization. The 911 incident was a classic example of a false flag operation, an orchestrated Psychological/Operation, very similar to others in our more recent collective experience. The Kennedy Assassination is a perfect example. When one takes the Governments line, at face value, and accepts the lone gunman theory, not a conspiracy, then from the start, one has already thrown out multiple possible conspiracy theories. If a conspiracy theory is proposed, with little support of the facts, then it is a conspiracy theory and nothing more. If on the other hand the overwhelming evidence shows a conspiracy was involved then it is about uncovering the known facts and uncovering the conspiracy truth.

    Deception is never easy to accept. It hurts when we uncover something hidden and many times we are unable to face the truth. It speaks to the shadow side of our experience. All of us have our shadow side on an individual and a collective basis. We wear a mask in public and many times it is the person we project to the world. Both are a true aspect of our character. Our shadow side is one side of our polarity, the ying and the yang is the other side of who we are. Many times we fail to face our shadow side and it stays hidden, not only from the public but more importantly from ourselves. We do this individually and collectively. When we fail to confront our collective shadow we fail all of humanity.

    This same reality works on a micro and a MACRO level. The 911 conspiracy, both the false story and the truth speaks to our collective shadow. When one is confronted with the 911 conspiracy and does their own research, it can act as a trigger to face the shadow within, both on an individual and collective basis. Many fail to see the deception because they are not ready to look within and confront the shadow side of their personality and experience.

    The 911 Psy/Op can be the triggering event to awaken us from a very bad situation, i.e. a criminal group with an agenda to take over the world through the manipulation of our American system. I would suggest, as tough as it may be, to do your own research and come to your own conclusions. Don’t allow your fear to hold you back from the truth and keep you from facing what is really taking place in the world. We either wake up now or in a short while it may be too late………

    May I suggest we do our own research and come to our own truth…..

    Please Do Your Own Research… DYOR

    Robert Reckmeyer

  2. Robert,

    Extremely thoughtful and well written essay. It contains the most intelligent and concise integration of the ‘shadow’ side, individually and collectively with the Yin/Yang concept, then integrating it all with the 9-11 problem.

    We have self-labeled ourselves a ‘Christian’ nation, even assuming that our Founding Fathers were Christian. Christianity is the following of the one-and-only, not human, but man-like, Son of the one-and-only True God. It teaches that the Good (Yang) completely rejects and will eventually completely defeat the Bad (Yin), if you only believe strong enough. It teaches that the power to do this is not within ourselves, but is in God’s hands, while we just watch the battle play out. It also teaches that we Christians will be ultimately spared all out Earthly discomforts in a paradisaical hereafter for all eternity with all our (Christian) friends, relations, and at the feet of our loving God, who is the same as his son. This Heaven is a place of pure light, where there are no shadows and the dark side of all things can be completely ignored and forgotten. There is no need for any Christian to do any research on any lessor facts, like 9-11, because the Christian is 100% sure of this ultimate fact.

    Though the search for 9-11 Truth doesn’t separate itself very strictly along these Christian/Thinking Person lines, I think the breakdown of the fundamental Christian belief system (not Christian values, which are the same as Buddhist values) will coincide with the breakdown of the wall behind which is 9-11 Truth.

    In any case, I would like to have the acutely insightful Alex Jones breakdown the song ‘Highwayman’ that he plays on his show sometimes, which was performed (partially) by his buddy Willy Nelson, as his Christian belief system and this song are diametrically opposed. Jesus Truth.

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