Belgium Suspends Democracy and Civil Rights Over Swine Flu Pandemic

The Belgian parliament yesterday voted to give the government emergency dictatorial powers under the pretext of dealing with a pandemic emergency.

Belgium is the first country in Europe to formally suspend democracy and civic rights and to switch over to military rule under the authority of a “a special crisis committee” that answers ultimately to WHO and the UN.

WHO declared a pandemic emergency level 6 in June over the “swine flu” pandemic, allowing governments to activate “emergency measures” that suspend the operation of normal government and justice.

Earlier this summer, the Belgian Health Minister Laurette Onkelinx passed a decree allowing the police to be detailed to participate in “medical emergencies” on the mass vaccination and quarantine of the population.


Grippe: les pouvoirs spéciaux adoptés en Commission

BelgiquePolitique mar 22 sep, 21:20

La Commission de la Santé publique de la Chambre a adopté mardi à l’unanimité, moins l’abstention du Vlaams Belang, un projet de loi accordant des pouvoirs spéciaux au gouvernement en cas d’épidémie ou de pandémie de grippe A (H1N1). En cas d’épidémie, il y aura “urgence à disposer d’un cadre juridique adéquat”, a justifié la ministre de la Santé Laurette Onkelinx. Dans ce cas de figure exceptionnel, le processus parlementaire serait trop long. Un arrêté délibéré en Conseil des ministres, serait alors approuvé par le gouvernement et publié au Moniteur après avis du Conseil d’Etat. Le Conseil d’Etat a réagi positivement au projet de loi qui offre la possibilité au gouvernement d’user de pouvoirs spéciaux, une technique rarement utilisée, et qui, dans d’autres circonstance, a parfois prêté le flanc à la controverse.

Source: The Flu Case

3 thoughts on “Belgium Suspends Democracy and Civil Rights Over Swine Flu Pandemic

  1. LOL seriously I live in Belgium, we dont even have an army anymore (10 soldiers don’t make an army) and
    the cops are scared shitless when they have to walk the streets of Brussels after 8PM, this is more of
    a joke I think.

  2. American UN ‘brainwashed’ agressive soldiers will ‘assist’ in forced vaccination in Belgium. I am also a belgian. Time for a revolution where satanic politicians and satanic ROYALTIES will be burned alive. They are implicated in the childpron network, more in childmolestation (rape and torture) and finally killing the child. All for they ‘black’ god which doesn’t existe. You want to know more ? I have details on the ‘Dutroux’ case some years ago ! Damn, the whole world has gone into satanism, worldleaders, powerfull people ! They do not become powerfull without selling their heart to their ‘black’ god. What a foolish superstition.

  3. OK, you want to try it in Belgium? Then it’s time to let them know that if they try to kill then someone will be after them. This nwo stupid plan will kill nwo itself & for good. We are sick & tired of you, phuking satanic bastards!

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