Canada will protect swine flu vaccine maker from lawsuits

Canada is protecting the drugmaker of swine flu vaccine from lawsuits over potential side effects, Canada’s top doctor has confirmed.

Theresa Boyle
The Toronto Star
October 1, 2009

Dr. David Butler-Jones told a media teleconference Wednesday that Canada will shield GalxoSmithKline in the unlikely event there are problems with the vaccine, but it will not shield health practitioners who make mistakes in administering the shot.

“We’re not obviously anticipating problems with it, but indemnification for a vaccine is important if someone does malpractice, basically injects someone the wrong way or causes harm because of their practice,” he said.

Read entire article

6 thoughts on “Canada will protect swine flu vaccine maker from lawsuits

  1. There are NO “side effects”, only unwanted direct effects! Personally and professionally, I’d prefer that you use the military term COLLATERAL DAMAGE to describe this situation. I double dog dare you!!!

  2. Once again the government protects the mass murders..Remember the Nuremburg trials where just following orders didn’t cut it.. See Dr. len Horowitz calls it for what it is.. Now we can add Dr David-Jones Butler to the list of mass murders.. Time to buy some rope

  3. It’s a good racket, isn’t it? First they get the money for the poison, then they get immunity for the “COLLATERAL DAMAGE”. Wonderful!

  4. I’d rather have dr. Kevorkian around to help me die in the least painful way, than those psychopaths, injecting people with slow acting poisons and making money on human suffering.

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