Video: @GlennBeck What Are the Dangers of 9/11 Truthers?

Your Debra Medina attack really got me asking why it was a top priority for you to “expose” her “9/11 truther” connections.
You even asked:

“Do you have advisors that advise you or people that are around you that are 9/11 Truthers? … Would you, if you found out that there were, would you disavow them like the president should have but I mean, he escorted them out in the middle of the night.” Benedict Arnold Glenn Beck
Monday, February 15th, 2010

It’s enough to get me wondering if these truthers are a “National Security Threat” or what hideous crimes they may have committed against the U.S. of America.

Glenn, you seem pretty on top of this, besides “thought crimes”, what are the crimes or “threats posed” by “9/11 truthers” to the country or yourself?

It’s a good question… huh, Glenn?

I decided to do a Google for “9/11 truther crimes” and guess what? It gave me answers like “war crimes”, “9/11 crimes” and “crimes against humanity”.

All crimes “truthers” are asking questions “Of” … but NO crimes committed “By” them…

Then I had this crazy thought, you know Glenn…. I’m thinking “this Glenn Beck guy can’t be a ‘Thought-Nazi, can he? … you know… just controlling the reasoning of his viewers for political or monetary gain.

Well gosh, Glenn, what should we think? Help us out here… First, have you explained what a “9/11 truther”  is … you know… your definition of a “truther”…

Yes, I see you have on your popular Fox News show where you are able to tell people how… or, I mean what to think… I mean what you think…

Here it is – from THE Glenn Beck Show on Sept. 3, 2009: (the intro is classic)

BECK (that’s you): If you don’t know what a 9/11 Truther is, let me quickly tell you about them. Here’s a statement from a 9/11 Truther group; after the attacks they demanded: “A call for immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur.”

(My comments are in blue)

Glenn, if evidence suggests an inquiry… I don’t have a problem with an inquiry… do you?… Really, I mean if evidence suggests… would Jefferson?

Beck: They also have a list of questions on their site that, I guess, is supposed to peak your interest in the conspiracy theory that the Bush administration let the attacks happen on purpose.

Is “conspiracy theory” a buzz term to trigger bias in the malleable minds of your audience? And your “guess is” the reason the questions are there… is to “peak” interest in “conspiracy”, like a Fox News show would? I mean, that’s your thinking?

BECK: I too had a lot of questions shortly after 9/11, but none of them had anything to do with the “alleged” Flight 77 that “allegedly” blew up at the Pentagon. Nor was I asking if steel can melt or anything like that.

So Glenn, what were your insightful question? Why do you say “alleged”? Is it that you don’t believe Flight 77 “blew up” or that it was a “flight”?

BECK: Here’s what Truthers want answers to:

  • “How could Flight 77, which reportedly hit the Pentagon, have flown back towards Washington, D.C., for 40 minutes without being detected by the FAA’s radar or the even superior radar possessed by the U.S. military?”
  • “Why did the Secret Service allow Bush to complete his elementary school visit, apparently unconcerned about his safety or that of the schoolchildren?”
  • “How were the FBI and CIA able to release the names and photos of the alleged hijackers within hours, as well as to visit houses, restaurants, and flight schools they were known to frequent?”
  • “Why did the Bush administration cover up the fact that the head of the Pakistani intelligence agency was in Washington the week of 9/11 and reportedly had $100,000 wired to Mohamed Atta, considered the ringleader of the hijackers?”

The Truthers have also questioned things like: “Was Flight 93 actually shot down by the military as a cover-up?”

That last one there, Glenn, about military cover-up… I’m not finding that quote anywhere… You wouldn’t be just tossing that in for arguments sake? You know like pace, pace, pace … LEAD.

And… though, I had not read these prior to you suggesting… the questions asked do look, frankly, pretty reasonable (aside from your psyop) and…

Guess what… the site mentions 8 more like…

  • Why were standard operating procedures for dealing with hijacked airliners not followed that day?
  • Why were the extensive missile batteries and air defenses reportedly deployed around the Pentagon not activated during the attack?
  • Why hasn’t a single person been fired, penalized, or reprimanded for the gross incompetence we witnessed that day?
  • Why haven’t authorities in the U.S. and abroad published the results of multiple investigations into trading that strongly suggested foreknowledge of specific details of the 9/11 attacks, resulting in tens of millions of dollars of traceable gains?
  • Why has Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator who claims to have knowledge of advance warnings, been publicly silenced with a gag order requested by Attorney General Ashcroft and granted by a Bush-appointed judge?
  • What happened to the over 20 documented warnings given our government by 14 foreign intelligence agencies or heads of state?
  • Why did the 911 Commission fail to address most of the questions posed by the families of the victims, in addition to almost all of the questions posed here?
  • Why was Philip Zelikow chosen to be the Executive Director of the ostensibly independent 911 Commission although he had co-authored a book with Condoleezza Rice?

Glenn Beck, even though I never took the time to read all those questions before , I think you might think that if those are legitimate questions then they are questions that can be asked … (did I get that right Glenn?)

BECK: If you believed our own government was responsible (as opposed high-level government officials?) for the 9/11 attacks, right there on the 9/11 Truther statement, you could proudly sign your name along with such luminaries as:

  • No. 2: Ed Asner, actor, activist
  • No. 31: Janeane Garofalo, actress, Air America radio
  • No. 51: Mimi Kennedy, actress, progressive activist
  • No. 62: Cynthia McKinney, 5-term congresswoman from Georgia

And coming in at No. 46: Van Jones, executive director, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

OK Glenn, naturally you have reached your own understanding of what the 9/11 Truther statement said… and it’s your show, your boss, so your spin is your (or your boss’s) prerogative along with the progressive selection of signers you offer…

I did happen to go to the source (yes, I know… few do) and noticed you skipped many of the other signers like:

  • Catherine Austin Fitts, Asst Sec Housing in the first Bush administration
  • Edward L Peck, former US Ambassador, former Deputy Task Force Terrorism
  • Eric H May, former Army military intelligence officer and media essayist
  • Fred Burks, presidential interpreter for Bush, Clinton, Cheney, and Gore
  • J Michael Springmann, former Foreign Service Officer, US Depart of State
  • John McCarthy, former Special Forces, president Veterans Equal Rights
  • Melvin Goodman, Center International Policy, CIA, professor War College
  • Morton Goulder, Deputy Sec Intelligence Warning Nixon, Ford, Carter
  • Philip J Berg, Esquire, former deputy attorney general, Pennsylvania

And many more including 1st responders and victim’s family members… check it out at

BECK: So on top of all the radical, progressive and communist nonsense coming from Obama’s green jobs “czar” Van Jones, you can now add “thinks the Bush administration blew up the World Trade Centers and covered it up.”

Do you know what people are saying about me on the Internet — that I’m a conspiracy theorist? If you actually believed this stuff — forget green jobs — wouldn’t you want to find out who was trying to kill innocent Americans? Wouldn’t that be a top priority?

OH MY Glenn, People questioning (with “real” boldness) the completeness of the official 9/11 Report (same Gov that deny using blackwater) are as bad or worse than Marxists and Communists… I did not know that… and we can thank you, Glenn, for that understanding… truly.

BUT WAIT… did I understand people are also calling you a “conspiracy theorist? Is that it? You are debunking because people are calling you names?

Back to those crazy truthers… They also have this on their site:

As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:

  1. An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
  2. Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
  3. Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
  4. The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry.

Looks like it is a top priority for some but Glenn…

I’m still trying to understand the risk, threat or danger posed by this “9/11 Truther” group. Clearly, Glenn, you are alarmed.

Why is that? The name calling you receive and being lumped in with other “conspiracy theorists”, no doubt, is traumatic for you, but beyond that, is there more to your fear of “truthers”?

Again, we have the good fortune of you, Glenn Beck, producing a wildly popular show that tells people what and how to think and of course what not to think…

From Jan 20, 2010, where you may have shed some light…

(as a side note you used the words President and Danger at least 5 times leading up to this…)

BECK: So he’s surrounded. By radicals. Surrounded by radicals here’s why the republic is in danger. And the president is in danger first.

You had also mentioned that there are two groups of radicals surrounding the president. A peaceful activist group and unrepentant bomber William Ayers groups (even though as you point out, he is not actually around the president).

BECK: Now why is the president himself in trouble. — let me use him as an example 9/11 truther – Another guy surrounding the president.

Glenn, If you remember, this is where you physically put Van Jones picture next to Ayers to make an association and said:

BECK: Okay 9/11 truthers… here’s a guy who thought the government was evil enough that it would murder thousands of US citizens just blow it up. Destroy a building and kill 3000 people.

I know it’s semantics to you but is that what he signed?

So… for understanding, even though you think all progressives are evil and George Bush is a progressive and you suggest that we currently have eugenicists as advisors… the real alarm for the safety of the Republic and the President is….

BECK: Well gosh. Are these people like you do you think that.

Maybe not, but, evidently like someone… Glenn…

BECK: Do you think anyone who does think… that we could just kill our own people should be… near the president.

Fear-mongering Glenn? And for the record… No I don’t think anybody that does think should be near the president… what do you think the THREAT IS?

BECK: I mean he (9/11 truther) thinks anybody who sits or sat in the chair of the presidency must be evil. He goes to church with a guy who thinks that America intentionally murdered people all throughout history.

BECK: Put yourself in the mindset of a 9/11 truther – you have access to the president of the United States the guy who was always been evil.

OK, Glenn… It’s a good thing that TV is not hypnotic because people could really ramp up the power of suggestive ideas even something as nut job as a view that people seeking truth (“truthers”) are by default dangerous Marxist Communist wackos that want to wack our leader…

To be clear Glenn…

The Danger… the National Security Threat of the “9/11 Truth Movement” is that the President is in Danger?

Glenn, you are asking your audience to intellectually associate everyone that signed (gov officials, celebs, victim families, 1st responders) that “” petition (“truthers”) with an intent to murder?

That’s what you are saying Glenn Beck? … really?

Oh… I see you used a clip from a Air-America shock jock – Mike Malloy – to support your conspiracy theory

Now, of course his name is not on that list and he is not part of that site… but he IS evidence to support YOUR conspiracy theory… GOT IT.

Master of “doubletalk” you are…

It seems to me Glenn, that you being the great champion of Jefferson and the Founding Fathers…

It seems Glenn, you, the great self-professed crusader of liberty…

You, would want to ask the signers of the … WHY do they question so boldly knowing the consequences of MSM?

Instead, you vilify them and accuse them of possessing designs of destruction and murder

You Glenn Beck… take these people and slander them for what? Asking questions?

Benedict Beck, it is amazing to witness the seduction of money and power…

Will people follow the money…

Does your audience even know who bought You?

It’s interesting to see how Rupert Murdoch just happens to sit as Co-Chair with Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs CEO) on Rockefeller’s PFNYC which is the NYC Chamber of Commerce…

Which just happens to have influence (power, control that kind of thing) over ALL of media (MSM) and banks (NY FED, JP Morgan, GS) …

Also, interesting to notice that the Hearst Corp CEO is a Board Member of PFNYC, which just happens to own National Geo and Popular Mechanics…

And, these two Hearst companies, just happen to be the main source of ALL debunking the 9/11 truther questions… You know Popular Mechanics, even you use them as a credible source without any disclosure of interests…

But then… that’s another post.

Makes one even ask questions about you, Glenn Beck, and if it could be possible that you might have personal gain in the positions you take which seem to be almost confusing at times… and then not? (Did I get that right, Glenn?)

And for the record Glenn…

I was not one who considered myself to be a “911 Truther”, but…

After actually reading the statement and hearing you slander these people…

Add me to the List Glenn Beck…

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent”. Thomas Jefferson

5 thoughts on “Video: @GlennBeck What Are the Dangers of 9/11 Truthers?

  1. Glenn knows where his bread is buttered. He followers the party line. He thinks that “ALL” Americans are gullible enough to swallow the stuff handed out by the any gov. ministry. I am old enough to have heard the crap put out by The Nazis . In a barnyard I don’t need some one to tell me what a cow pattie is.

  2. Beck has never come off as even being sincere about the preservation of liberty or the Constitution. His flip-flopping and the immature approach he delivers his spew with lost me a while back. Let’s face it, corporate media is not going to be an ally in helping to save America from itself. They have showed what side of the debate that they side with.
    All of the people can’t be fooled all of the time and therein lies the key to keeping America free!

  3. Dear Glenn,

    As pink, fat and rosy as your cheeks are, false the balloon of the Big Fat Lie is and it too, will eventually pop. And when it does, the world will see where true evil resides; not in America, for America is a continent and not a country; nor in the U.S., for the U.S. is only a country; but in the minds and souls of a scattered-around-the-globe group of Machiavellian beasts who have been stealing for centuries the lands, rights and dreams of all decent human beings from planet Earth. Yes, dear Glenn, because you work for the beasts; because you kiss their ugly asses in every single and very eloquent pseudo “American” statement you spew, you shall pay the price tag of being… just who you are. You know whom you serve, and you definitely know who you are.

  4. he makes me sick….lets turn the page on the Obama admin to make The Bush admin look credible haha Im still laughing

  5. Ex-Italian President:
    Intel Agencies Know
    9/11 was an Inside Job

    Man who set up Operation Gladio
    tells Italy’s largest newspaper
    that attacks were run by CIA and Mossad.

    Former Italian President and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, Francesco Cossiga, has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy’s most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies.

    Cossiga was elected President of the Italian Senate in July 1983 before winning a landslide 1985 election to become President of the country in 1985.

    Cossiga gained respect from opposition parties as one of a rare breed — an honest politician — and led the country for seven years until April 1992.

    Cossiga’s tendency to be outspoken upset the Italian political establishment and he was forced to resign after revealing the existence of, and his part in setting up, Operation Gladio — a rogue intelligence network under NATO auspices that carried out bombings across Europe in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Gladio’s specialty was to carry out what they coined “false flag operations”, terror attacks that were blamed on their domestic and geopolitical opposition.

    Cossiga’s revelations contributed to an Italian parliamentary investigation of Gladio in 2000, during which evidence was unearthed that the attacks were being overseen by the U.S. intelligence apparatus.

    In March 2001, Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra stated, in sworn testimony, “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force … the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.”

    Cossiga’s new revelations appeared last week [early December, 2007] in Italy’s oldest and most widely read newspaper, Corriere della Sera. Below appears a rough translation.

    [Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Al Qaeda September [attack] on the two towers in New York [claiming to be] the author of the attack of the 11th, while all the [intelligence services] of America and Europe … now know well that the disastrous attack had been planned and realized by the American CIA and the Mossad with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under suspicion the Arab Countries and in order to induce the western powers to participate … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.

    Cossiga first expressed his doubts about 9/11 in 2001, and is quoted in Webster Tarpley’s book as stating that “The mastermind of the attack must have been a sophisticated mind, provided with ample means not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also highly specialized personnel. I add one thing: it could not be accomplished without infiltrations in the radar and flight security personnel.”

    Coming from a widely respected former head of state, Cossiga’s assertion that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job and that this is common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies is highly unlikely to be mentioned by any establishment media outlets, because like the hundreds of other sober ex-government, military, air force professionals, allied to hundreds more professors and intellectuals — he can’t be sidelined as a crackpot conspiracy theorist.

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