Government Report Calls For Global Authority On Planetary Geo-Engineering

(SteveWatson) – A recently published lengthy UK Government report suggests appointing a global body such as the UN to exclusively regulate world wide geoengineering of the planet in order to stave off man made global warming.

Steve Watson
Thursday, April 29th, 2010

The House of Commons report, entitled The Regulation of Geoengineering, was compiled by the government’s Science and Technology Committee in collaboration with the U.S. House of Representatives Science and Technology Committee.

It demonstrates how seriously both governments are looking at the idea of manipulating the planet’s climate.

“…we may need geoengineering as a ‘Plan B’ if, in the event of the failure of ‘Plan A’—the reduction of greenhouse gases—we are faced with highly disruptive climate change.” the report states. “If we start work now it will provide the opportunity to explore fully the technological, environmental, political and regulatory issues.” it continues.

The report also notes that the idea of geoengineering should be made more mainstream and further integrated into the government’s climate change policies.

“We recommend that the Government give greater priority to public engagement on geoengineering by, for example, showing how it relates to its policy on the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.”

It describes several different proposed methods of geoengineering, including spraying sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere to mimic the cooling effect produced by volcanic eruptions, as well as placing mirrors in space to reflect the Sun’s rays away from the Earth, a technique known as Solar Radiation Management (SRM).

The report notes that such methods “could substantially influence the climate within months” but may generate “serious unintended consequences”.

“SRM could produce droughts with severe implications for regional and global food production, and delay the recovery of the ozone layer by decades, while doing almost nothing to address ocean acidification,” the report states, quoting Dr Jason Blackstock of the Centre for International Governance Innovation in Canada.

It calls for international mechanisms to be put into place to oversee research and deployment of geoengineering so that countries cannot “unilaterally” affect the climate.

“The UN is the route by which, eventually, we envisage the regulatory framework operating but first the UK and other governments need to push geoengineering up the international agenda and get processes moving.” the report states.

The report draws heavily upon research and publications of The Royal Society, a 350 year old establishment outfit that has recently thrown its full weight behind the global warming movement, lending its absolute support for legislation aimed at reducing carbon emissions by 80%, a process that will devastate the global economy and drastically reduce living standards everywhere.

The Royal Society has been even more vehement than national governments in its advocacy of the man-made cause of global warming, calling for such drastic CO2 cuts to be made in the short term, not even by the usual target date of 2050.

The society has conducted extensive research into geoengineering and continually lobbies the government to divert funding into it.

One notable member of the Royal Society is James Lovelock, an eco-fascist who advocates ending democracy and instituting an authoritative elite to oversee global climate management. He is also a patron of the Optimum Population Institute, a notorious UK-based public policy group that campaigns for a gradual decline in the global human population to what it sees as a “sustainable” level.

Lovelock is also an ardent advocate of geoengineering the planet in the name of controlling the climate. In 2007 Lovelock proposed laying vast swathes of pipes under the world’s oceans in order to pump water from the bottom of the seas – rich in nutrients, but mostly dead – to the top. The idea being that the action would encourage algae to breed, absorb more carbon and release more dimethyl sulphide into the atmosphere, a chemical known to seed sunlight reflecting clouds. Such methods are also covered in the Commons report.

“Our Report covering the regulation of geoengineering will now dovetail into a wider inquiry that the House of Representatives Committee is carrying out on geoengineering.” the document states.

As we covered in a previous in-depth report, numerous universities and government agencies have been conducting studies in the field of geoengineering for years, including active deployment in the form of chemtrail spraying.

Another prominent supporter of geoengineering proposals is none other than White House science czar John P. Holdren, a key Obama advisor who infamously co-authored a book in which he called for a “planetary regime” to enforce draconian population control measures such as forced abortion, infanticide and mandatory sterilization.

In April last year, Holdren revealed that high-level talks had already taken place to explore the possibility of “geoengineering” the environment by “shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays”.

“It’s got to be looked at,” Holdren was quoted as saying, “We don’t have the luxury of taking any approach off the table.” The AP also reported that Holdren said he had raised the concept in administration discussions.

Such intense interest in exploring geoengineering, and implementing an overarching global authority on the matter mirrors publications penned by the ultra elite Council On Foreign Relations.

In a document entitled Geoengineering: Workshop on Unilateral Planetary Scale Geoengineering, the CFR proposes different methods of “reflecting sunlight back into space,” which include adding “small reflecting particles in the upper part of the atmosphere,” adding “more clouds in the lower part of the atmosphere,” and placing “various kinds of reflecting objects in space either near the earth or at a stable location between the earth and the sun.”

Fred Singer, president of the Science Environmental Policy Project and a skeptic of man-made global warming theories, has warned that the consequences of tinkering with the planet’s delicate eco-system could have far-reaching dangers.

“If you do this on a continuous basis, you would depress the ozone layer and cause all kinds of other problems that people would rather avoid,” said Singer.

Even Greenpeace’s chief UK scientist – a staunch advocate of the man-made global warming explanation – Doug Parr has slammed attempts to geo-engineer the planet as “outlandish” and “dangerous”.

Letting modern day eugenicists like James Lovelock and John Holdren mess with the planet would be like handing Dr. Josef Mengele control of the health care system. Holdren has proven himself to be a barbarian and a control freak, promoting a brand of bloodthirsty eugenics even more depraved than anything Hitler proposed in his drive for a super race.

Furthermore, granting UN affiliated climate scientists (who have been completely exposed as agenda-promoting quacks by the Climategate scandal) exclusive authority to experiment with the environment on a mass scale in the name of stopping the increasingly debunked premise of man-made global warming is absolute lunacy and should be stopped at all costs.

Source: Prison Planet

2 thoughts on “Government Report Calls For Global Authority On Planetary Geo-Engineering

  1. Government maniacs have now crossed the line!

    This is IIED(Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress).

    Will someone please stand up and prosecute or sue these loonies?!
    At least get some kind of injunction to stop the expenditure of the people’s money on this particular form of madness.

    Even Greenpeace people think it is outrageous. Not to mention reckless and outside the norms of human behavior.

    Who are these jerks anyway? Aliens who want to terraform the planet to their tastes. It makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

  2. there would be less carbon dioxide if those freaks would commit suicid, they will destroy the planet if they are not stoped. were’s captain planet?

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