Audio: Superb Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Collapse of WTC 7

A compelling interview of David Ray Griffin by George Kenney of Electric Politics is now available for downloading (or streaming)

On a related note, Cincinnati 9/11 Truth’s hour long public access show (which used to be once a month but has quadrupled to once a week due to viewer demand) focused a sizable segment on DRG’s WTC7 book two nights ago; hope to post that here asap. – Adam

Superb Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Collapse of WTC 7
by Elizabeth Woodworth

The interview is 1 hour and 8 minutes long, and should be heard by everyone interested in the state of democracy in America:

The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7

The fact that “Seven”, a 47-story building with a base the size of a football field, was in freefall collapse for 2.25 seconds, has now been admitted by NIST, the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology. This admission has enormous implications for the whole official story about September 11, 2001.

This new information invalidates all the work NIST presented in its Final Report to prove that the building collapsed from fire alone.

In his new book, “The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7,” Dr. Griffin has systematically established that NIST was guilty of fraud.

As a result, he recommends that scientists across the United States report this fraud to the appropriate scientific agencies which monitor fraud in the scientific community, in order to expose the underlying truth about September 11th.


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