Video: TSA Thugs Harass Campaign For Liberty Organizer

The TSA harassed Steve Bierfeldt, a Ron Paul supporter and Campaign for Liberty worker, while traveling from St. Louis for the CFL special event where Andrew Napolitano, Ron Paul, and Tom Woods were among the speakers. Continue reading

Video: Fox News Strategy Room w/ Judge Napolitano, Ron Paul and Peter Schiff

Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Great new show called Freedom Watch airing every Wednesday from 2pm – 3pm EST. Regular freedom loving guests include Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Lew Rockwell, etc. Continue reading

Video: “Constitution In Exile” writer Judge Napolitano

Judge Andrew Napolitano is a leading Constitutional expert with his books on the U.S. Constitution that include “Constitution In Exile” and “A Nation Of Sheep.

Here is the judge, on Ron Paul:

When the expert on the Constitution tells you who is right, you should believe him. Because the Constitution is the source of safeguarded liberty and freedom.