Video: Birgitta Jónsdóttir – Wikileaks Docs Expose Obama’s Lies on Winning The War in Afghanistan

Alex welcomes back to the show Birgitta Jónsdóttir, a member of the Icelandic parliament and poet, writer, artist, editor, publisher, activist and internet pioneer. She is an active volunteer for Wikileaks. Continue reading

Video: Birgitta Jónsdóttir – Obama’s “Death Squad” Hunting for Wikileaks Founder!

(June 29) – Alex welcomes back to the show Birgitta Jonsdottir, a member of the Icelandic Parliament representing the Citizens’ Movement, but now representing The Movement. Her district is the Reykjavík South Constituency. She is also a writer, artist, activist, web developer, designer, and a spokeswoman for the website Wikileaks. Continue reading

Video: Birgitta Jónsdóttir’s Patriotic Fight to Save The People of Iceland

Birgitta Jónsdóttir, member of the Icelandic Parliament and a sponsor of the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, a proposal to create a global safe haven for investigative journalism in Iceland. Continue reading

Video: Birgitta Jónsdóttir on Alex Jones Tv – Iceland Takes on The Nwo with The Spirit of 1776

Additional guests include Birgitta Jónsdóttir, a leading member of the Icelandic parliament who has called for the country to declare a debt moratorium and stop attempting to pay the $6 billion which the British and Netherlands governments are seeking to extort from Iceland with the help of the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission in Brussels,. Continue reading

A Call to the People of the World to Support Iceland Against the Financial Blackmail of the British and Dutch Governments and the IMF

(TarpleyNet) – Note: Birgitta Jónsdóttir is the leader of The Movement, a group within the Icelandic Parliament which has emerged from the mass struggle of Icelanders against the financial blackmail brought to bear against their country by the governments in London and The Hague, with the backing of the IMF, in the wake of the insolvency of three large Icelandic banks in the midst of the Lehman Brothers-AIG world financial panic of September-October2008. Birgitta Jónsdóttir is a courageous leader in the fight for national sovereignty, independence, dignity, and the economic well-being and future of her country. Continue reading

A Call to the People of the World to Support Iceland Against Financial Blackmail

Editor’s note: Birgitta Jónsdóttir is the leader of The Movement, a group within the Icelandic Parliament which has emerged from the mass struggle of Icelanders against the financial blackmail brought to bear against their country by the governments in London and The Hague, with the backing of the IMF, in the wake of the insolvency of three large Icelandic banks in the midst of the Lehman Brothers-AIG world financial panic of September-October2008. Birgitta Jonsdottir is a courageous leader in the fight for national sovereignty, independence, dignity, and the economic well-being and future of her country. Continue reading